
Y公司2007年初以银行存款1000万元购入 X公司30%的股份,对x公司具有重大影



Y公司2007年初以银行存款1000万元购入 X公司30%的股份,对x公司具有重大影响,X公司的净资产总额为3000万元,2007午末,X公司盈利200万元,Y公司所拥有X公司30%股份的公允价值为960万元,假设不考虑其他因素,则Y公司2007年末应计入投资损益账户金额为( )万元。



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参考答案:B解析:[解题思路] 正常成人血红蛋白为α2β2。体内生成α链和β链是平行的。α地中海贫血时α链合成障碍,β链相聚为β4(亦称血红蛋白H)。α2γ2、α2δ2为胎儿或婴儿血红蛋白。β地中海贫血可出现α...



小题1:从天气系统看,这次影响我国北方的是        (甲或乙)。

小题2:从性质上看,甲图中B是   空气,C、D、E三地中气温最高的是   地;甲图为         天气示意图,该锋面过境后,E地的天气状况是                 

小题3:乙图中F处是    气压中心,在其控制下多为     天气特征。该天气系统冬季和夏季都可能出现,冬季受其影响常见的天气现象是         




赏析下面两首唐诗,然后回答问题。(10分)   杨柳枝词   白居易   一树春风千万枝,嫩于金色软于丝。永丰①西角荒园里,尽日无人属阿谁。   杨 花   吴 融   不斗秾花②不占红,自飞晴野雪蒙蒙。百花长恨风吹落,惟有杨花独爱风。   [注]①永丰:洛阳附近的一个地方。②秾花:盛开的花朵。



It may not be news to parents of teenage girls, but researchers have confirmed that no one can stop their 16-year-old daughter from deciding how the family spends its money.

The willpower and determination of teenage girls give them a big say in how a family’s money is spent on everything from food and meals to mobile phones, and, of course, clothes. Teenage boys did not show up at all in the analysis, which was designed to find out the influence of young people on household spending.

The findings on the spending power of teenage girls were calculated from Office for National Statistics records of family spending during the 1980s and 1990s. Researchers examined how much money went on services and leisure goods in different kinds of homes. They checked spending on food, restaurant meals, alcohol, tobacco, services, heating, transport, clothes and sports in 2,745 British families.

They found that teenage girls in the UK typically played an active role in family decisions about the allocation(分配)of household resources. But older children— those over the age of 21 who are still living with their parents—appear to have no say in household decisions.

They also tried to calculate to what extent the bargaining power of a teenager affected family budgets. “Every parent knows that children, even at a very early age, have their own preferences with regard to consumption, researchers said. “But children are only interested in a limited range of goods—mainly sweets and toys—and parents are able to use punishment to reduce their children’s bargaining power or remove it.”  When they become teenagers, however, girls are much more independent and they are capable of earning their own money, which improves their bargaining power in family decisions.

The researchers could not explain why girls have more influence over spending while the evidence for boys is much less conclusive. However, this study could be of great significance to market research and how marketers target children.

小题1: From the passage we can learn that            .

A.teenage girls have more influence over family budgets than teenage boys

B.teenage boys don't want to decide on household spending

C.teenage boys have some influence over household

D.teenage girls have weaker willpower and determination than teenage boys小题2:What does the underlined part “give them a big say” in the second paragraph mean?

A.Make them dare to say something.

B.Make them want to know.

C.Make them say something meaningful.

D.Make their influence stronger.小题3:It appears that household decisions are NOT affected by        .

A.girls living with parents

B.girls over 21

C.girls over 12

D.girls living alone小题4:How can parents reduce children’s bargaining power?

A.By persuading them

B.By offering them sweets or toys.

C.By threatening to punish them.

D.By allocating household resources.
