



张某买了一辆新车,价值20万元,张某为新车投保了财产险,保险金额为10万元。不久张某发生车祸,车辆受损,经有关部门估价,实际损失10万元,保险公司应当赔偿张某:( )






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       德诺10岁那年因为输血不幸染上了艾滋病,伙伴们全都躲着他,只有大他4岁的艾迪yī jiù(       )像从前一样跟他玩耍。离德诺家的后院不远,有一条通往大海的小河,河边开满了五颜六色的花朵,艾迪告诉德诺,把这些花草熬成汤,说不定能治他的病。‖    

       德诺喝了艾迪煮的汤,身体并不见好转,谁也不知道他还能活多久。艾迪的妈妈再也不让艾迪去找德诺了,她怕一家人都染上这可怕的病毒。但这并不能阻止两个孩子的友情。一个ǒu rán(       )的机会,艾迪看见杂志上的一则消息,说新奥尔良的费医生找到了能治疗艾滋病的植物,这让他兴奋不已。于是,在一个月明星稀的夜晚,他带着德诺,悄悄地踏上了去新奥尔良的路。     


       离新奥尔良还有三天三夜的路。德诺的身体越来越弱,艾迪不得不放弃计划,带着德诺回到家乡。德诺住进了医院。艾迪常常去病房看他,两个好朋友在一起时,病房便充满了欢乐。艾迪给那家杂志社写了信, 希望他们能帮忙找到费医生,结果却杳无音讯。‖        


       那天艾迪陪着德诺的妈妈回家。艾迪抽泣着说: “我很难过,没有为德诺找到治病的药。”     

       德诺的妈妈lèirú quán yǒng(           ):“不,艾迪,你找到了。”她紧紧地搂着艾迪,“德诺一生最大的病其实是孤独,而你给了他快乐,给了他友情,他一直为有你这个朋友而满足……”


2.“兴奋不已”的意思是:                                       。 

     让艾迪兴奋不已的原因是:                                    。 





4.“生命的药方”在文章中应指[ ]





Rising Prices Cause House "Apartheid"


The Government has admitted that soaring house prices have left people on average incomes, such as teachers and nurses, locked out of buying their first homes across large parts of southern England, including London and most of the South East.
A spokeswoman for the Deputy Prime Minister, John Prescott, admitted last night that there was now an effective "housing apartheid", with people in their own homes pulling further and further away from those yet to get on the property ladder.
With house prices rising at between 15 and 20 percent a year, incomes, which are rising at between 5 and 10 percent a year, cannot keep up.
"Increasing housing supply is a national priority. In large areas of the wider South East, house purchase remains out of reach for families with average household incomes," the official said.
A new report out tomorrow will reveal the full scale of the housing crisis. The study by Cambridge University for the housing charity Shelter reveals that the Government will need to spend £3.5 billion a year to solve the housing problem.
More than 50,000 new homes are needed every year to help people on lower incomes to have their own homes. By 2014 a city the size of Leeds will need to be built.
Critics point out that, without the money, millions of people employed in the public sector will be unable to move to the South East to fill vacancies.
Without a new influx of staff, many hospitals and schools say that they will struggle to maintain standards. The Government is now expected to announce a package of measures in the Budget to try to help first-time buyers. The Treasury is considering raising the point at which people have to pay stamp duty, a tax paid on every house purchase.
The present threshold of £60,000 has remained unchanged since 1993, despite house prices increasing by 160 percent in that time.
Gordon Brown, the Chancellor, faces being accused of maintaining the threshold as a way of raising more tax because as house prices rise more and more people are dragged into paying the surcharge. More than 75 percent of all first-time buyers now pay the tax.
"The Government has to act," said Adam Sampson , the director of Shelter. The lack of affordable housing has a destabilising effect on the economy and its cost in human terms is massive.
"Successive governments have spoken about the growing housing crisis. It has now got to the point where it cannot be ignored any longer. Housing should be given the same priority as the other key areas of public life, health and education. "
The report says that more than three-quarters of all new homes are needed in the South of England, with about 20 percent in the North and the Midlands.
Shelter’s figures on housing demand will form the basis of a Treasury review of housing to be published at the time of the Budget next week. The review, by Kate Barker, is likely to say that tens of thousands of new houses are needed and that planning restrictions should be relaxed so that housing developments can be built more easily.
She will also criticise a culture of nimbyism which has crept into many, particularly rural, towns. Many local communities block new housing even though it is desperately needed.
A study released this weekend by the Halifax revealed that first-time buyers cannot get on to the property ladder in 80 percent of towns and cities across the country. The bank said that areas were classed as "unaffordable" if first-time buyers needed to borrow more than 4.27 times the local average salary to buy a home.
By that calculation, 100 percent of towns and cities in East Anglia were out of reach of first- time buyers, while 98 percent of towns and cities in the South West were unaffordable.
The Government is set to announce large amounts of extra funding for house building in the Budget. By 2006 the amount spent will have increased by £900 million, or 25 percent.
There will also be a £5 billion pot of money provided for affordable housing by 2006.

What might NOT be the reason for the phenomenon that people on average incomes are unable to buy the houses

A.They have to pay high price stamp duty.
B.Their incomes rise too slowly.
C.House supply is decreasing.
D.House prices are rising.
