



美国纸浆的出口量今年会显著上升,出口量上升的原因在于美元的贬值使得日本和西欧的造纸商从美国购买纸浆比从其他渠道购买便宜。 下面哪项是为得出以上结论所作的假设



C.如果成本不成为影响因素, 日本和西欧的造纸商会倾向于使用美国生产的纸浆。




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参考答案:A解析: “路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索”是屈原《离骚》中的名句,故B选项错误;《文心雕龙》是一部评论文学的著作,对后代文学评论发展有很大的影响,故C选项错误;汉末建安时期,一批文人诗歌继...


A principal decided to honor the teachers in his school to show his appreciation(感激)for their hard work. He told them how they made a difference in their jobs. Then he gave each of them a blue ribbon(缎带)that read, “Who I Am Makes a Difference.”

One of the teachers wanted to take this idea into her students. One day the teacher noticed that a boy in her class was unhappy. She went to him and asked him the reason. The boy told her that his father had been worrying about the job and often punished him for some little things. Hearing what he said, the teacher decided to give him the ribbon to cheer him up. She said, “Dear boy, what your father has done doesn’t mean the lack(缺少)of love for you. He needs your understanding. You’ve been a kind boy. Here’s a ribbon for you. Would you like to take this ribbon and pass it on? Let’s keep this ceremony going and find out how it affects people.”

That night the boy sat beside his father and said, “Dad, today my teacher gave me a blue ribbon for being kind and asked me to find somebody else to honor. I’d like to give the ribbon to you. I want to let you know how deeply I admire you and how much you mean to me. I love you!”



小题1:All the teachers took the principal’s idea into their students.

小题2: The teacher gave the ribbon to the boy because she wanted to cheer him up.

小题3:With the teacher’s help, the boy showed his admiration and love for his father.

小题4: The father wasn’t surprised or moved at all when he received the ribbon from his son.

小题5: From the passage, we know only encouragement brought the father’s confidence back.
