
下列作法符合有关公务员管理的法律法规规定的是( )。 A.县公安局法制科科员李某因



下列作法符合有关公务员管理的法律法规规定的是( )。




解析: 《中华人民共和国公务员法》第八十三条规定了辞退公务员的五种情形,第一种情形是“在年度考核中,连续两年被确定为不称职的”。第三十二条规定,新录用的公务员试用期为一年。试用期满合格的,予以任职;不合格的,取消录用。第九十一条第二款规定,复核、申诉期间不停止人事处理的执行。第八十六条规定,公务员辞职或者被辞退,离职前应当办理公务交接手续,必要时按照规定接受审计。


When I was young, my parents ran a snack bar in our small town.

One evening in early April, my mother told me to fill in at the snack bar (1) a worker who had the flu. I told her I would mess it up, (2) I had never worked at the bar before. I (3) that instead of making money, I would end up owing it.

"You can do it, " said my mother, " (4) , you won’t get much business until lunch. "

"But I’ll never remember the orders, and I’m no good (5) money. Please, Mom, don’t (6) me. "

"Then I’ll help you", she said.

I shrugged my shoulders. I thought my mother’s (7) was a bad one, but I (8) .

When I got to the bar the next day, I found my mother was (9) . Because the weather that day was rainy and cold, people wanted hot snacks and drinks. (10) , I was really slow at taking the orders and making change. The line of people grew, and everybody seemed (11) , I was so nervous that my hands shook, and I (12) a cup into pieces. What a mess! Then my mother came to (13) me, and she also showed me how to make (14) If someone gave me $ 5 for something that cost $ 3.25, I handed over (15) quarters and a dollar and said, "75 cents makes four dollars, plus one dollar makes five. " Things went more (16) after that.

By the end of the day, I could remember orders, (17) the bill, and make change quickly with a smile. I was even a little (18) when the sun came out and dried up business. My mother said she was proud of me, and when she (19) that I work at the snack bar again next year, I did not even shrug. I was too busy (20) the restaurant I would open one day.


A. blame

B. fool

C. frighten

D. force
