



几位学者声称,全球气温出现随月相变化略升高的现象,因为他们发现满月时地球的平均气温升高了0.02℃。随后他们又按纬度与卫星测得的数据进行核对,结果发现,满月时地球两极气温升高的幅度是地球平均气温升高的25倍。但在中纬度地区,情况却截然相反,月缺时气温略高,满月时气温却略低。 根据文意,对画线的“情况”一词的所指,理解正确的一项是( )。







解析: 该段文字主要是讲全球气温出现随月相变化略升高的现象。“情况”在该段文字中是指这种现象在中纬度地区的情况,故只有C项符合。


WASHINGTON (AP) — A chemical has caused a global food safety scare. In the U.S., White Rabbit candies from China were recalled(召回) after melamine(三聚氰胺) was found in California and Connecticut. Melamine levels in imported Chinese candies recalled in California were as high as 520 parts per million, about 200 times greater than the level set on Friday by the FDA (The Food and Drug Administration) for "acceptable" risk.

And Friday, a New Jersey company announced it was recalling a yogurt-type drink from China, Blue Cat Flavor Drink, after FDA testing found melamine.

No illnesses have been reported in the U.S., but experts are checking for any increase in reports of heath problems.

The FDA says baby formula(配方) sold here is safe, because producers do not use any materials from China. But officials expect more melamine recalls as they continue to test products in ethnic(少数民族) markets.

“However, tiny amounts of melamine, are not harmful in most foods, except baby formula,” said U.S. government experts Friday.

The FDA said Friday its safety experts had concluded that eating a minuscule amount of melamine — 2.5 parts per million — would not raise health problems, even if a person ate food every day that was infected with the chemical.

“It would be like if you had a million grains of sand and they were all white, and you had two or three that were black, that's kind of the level,” said Stephen Sundlof, director of the FDA’s food safety program.

The FDA guideline is meant to help federal and state investigators(调查员) check for infected foods from China at ports(港口) of entry and in Asian community shops around the country. “We are trying to recognize products that have levels we are really concerned(worried) about, rather than trying to find the last molecule,” said Sundlof.

67. The underlined word “minuscule” in Paragraph 6 means __________.

A. very small      B. acceptable      C. worried      D. large

68. According to FDA, people in America needn’t be worried if _________.

A. food is infected with melamine below a level of 2.5 parts per million

B. baby formula contains no melamine

C. they buy candies for babies produced locally

D. foods imported from China are recalled

69. It can be inferred from the passage that _________.

A. America won’t import foods from China any more

B. America is still importing foods from China

C. manufactures do not use any ingredients from China for baby formula

D. all foods imported from China contain melamine

70. The passage is probably found in _________ section on the Internet.

A. News Reports            B. International Trade

C. Science and Life          D. Food and Health
