



刘某与张某之妻有染,张某得知后非常气愤,决定要教训刘某。某晚,刘某穿小路回家,早已等候在那里的张某放出自己训练的狼狗扑向刘某,张某则躲在角落里不动声响。结果刘某被咬成重伤。张某的行为( )。






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参考答案:D解析: 由“I-N”隐含规则,K/ID计算结果总为0。


These days we hear a lot about how air pollution is changing temperatures on the earth. New evidence from a mountaintop in China now suggests that pollution can also change the amount of rain and snow that falls in some places.

Usually, more rain falls in mountainous places than in flat areas upwind from the mountains. That’s because air can hold a lot of water. When wind blows wet air up a mountainside, the air gets colder. This temperature change often forces water to fall as rain or snow.

In recent years, however, many mountainous areas in the western United States have been getting less rain than normal. Mountains that are downwind from cities have experienced the biggest drops.

Some scientists have theorized(推理)that pollution drifts (趋势)from the cities into the mountains, affecting rainfall, but proving this link has been difficult.

Searching for answers, a team led by a scientist from the Hebrew University went to s mountain in China called Mount Hua, which is 2,060 meters tall and lies about 120 kilometers east of the Chinese city Xi’an. Since 1954, scientists have been collecting details about rainfall, humidity(湿度), and visibility(能见度)in the area.

Using this data, the scientists compared rainfall on Mount Hua to rainfall in the nearest city, Huayin, on days with different levels of visibility. When the air was clear and people could see as far as 20 km, the scientists found that 65% more rain fell on the mountain than in the city.

But when the air was smoggy, allowing only 8 km of visibility through the mist, the mountain received just 20% more rain than the city. The new data supports the theory that pollution affects rainfall.

Some scientists believe that there are other explanations for the numbers. It’s possible, for example, that natural particles(微粒)in the air, rather than particles produced by pollution, are affecting visibility.

小题1:According to the 1st paragraph, air pollution is changing the following EXCEPT ______.

A.the temperature

B.the amount of rain

C.the habit of eating

D.the amount of snow小题2:According to the passage, what will probably happen when the wet air in the sky gets colder?

A.It will probably rain or snow

B.It will probably be cloudy.

C.It will probably wind

D.It will probably become dry.小题3:Why did the team led by a scientist go to Mount Hua?

A.They wanted to pay a visit to Mount Hua.

B.They wanted to collect the data for their theory.

C.They wanted to measure Mount Hua.

D.They wanted to have a good rest on Mount Hua.小题4:You can most probably read the passage in _______.

A.a travel guide

B.a telephone book

C.a cartoon book

D.a science book


(1) XYZ公司2×10年12月9日向甲公司赊销含税价款为158万元的K产品一批,发票已开具,并作了借“应收账款”158万元、贷“主营业务收入”135.04万元、“应交税费——应交增值税(销项税额)”22.96万元的会计记录,同时结转了“主营业务成本”120万元。至2×10年12月31日,货款尚未收回。2×11年1月9日,因质量不合格甲公司将所购产品全部退回。XYZ公司接受退货后,冲减了当月的主营业务收入和主营业务成本。假设期末没有确认相应的递延所得税。
(2) 2×10年12月,经与正清公司协商,XYZ公司以其拥有的一项专利权换取正清公司一台生产设备。XYZ公司专利权的账面价值和账面余额均为900万元,公允价值和计税价格均为1000万元,营业税税率为5%(不考虑城建税、教育费附加等);正清公司生产设备的账面原价为1300万元,已提折旧200万元,已提减值准备100万元,公允价值为960万元,正清公司另支付40万元现金给XYZ公司。2×10年12月31日,XYZ公司办妥专利权过户的相关法律手续,收到正清公司汇付的银行存款40万元以及换入的生产设备,将该生产设备在生产车间安装调试完毕(安装调试费用忽略不计),企业仅将银行存款记入其他应付款中,其他尚未做会计处理(假定该交易具有商业实质)。
(3) 2×10年10月1日,XYZ公司用闲置资金购入股票450万元,作为交易性金融资产,至年末该股票的收盘价为400万元,XYZ公司将损失冲减了资本公积50万元,其账务处理是:
借:资本公积——其他资本公积 50
贷:交易性金融资产 50
(4) XYZ公司于2×10年4月1日折价发行了3年期、面值为2000万元、债券票面利率为8%的债券(一次还本付息),用于企业日常业务资金周转。XYZ公司按1700万元的价格发行,折价按直线法摊销。2×10年4月1日,XYZ公司做了借记“银行存款”1700万元、“应付债券——利息调整”300万元,贷记“应付债券——债券面值”2000万元的会计处理。年底编制财务报表时,XYZ公司未对该笔债券业务做进一步处理。假设税法上按照票面利息予以扣除。
(5) 2×10年1月,XYZ公司为G公司向银行借款4000万元提供信用担保。2×10年12月,因G公司未能偿还到期债务。银行向法院起诉,要求XYZ公司承担连带责任,支付借款本息4200万元。XYZ公司经向其他法律专业人士咨询,认为其败诉的可能性为40%。2×11年1月20日,法院终审判决银行胜诉,并于2×11年1月25日执行完毕。考虑到G公司已宣告破产清算,无法向其追偿债务,XYZ公司在2×11年度做了如下会计处理:
借:营业外支出 4200
贷:其他应付款 4200
(6) 2×11年3月20日,XYZ公司董事会审议通过2×10年度利润分配预案:“按2×10年度审计后净利润的10%计提法定盈余公积;剩余未分配利润滚存至下一年度。”企业尚未做出会计处理。

