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参考答案:清代最早培养译员的洋务学堂和从事翻译出版的机构。同治元年(1862)七月二十九日,恭亲王奕欣等奏准在北京设立同文馆,附属于 * * 衙门。

     Do you often climb the mountain? What's your feeling about mountains? Let me tell you something
about mountains.
     It was only in the eighteenth century   1   people in Europe began to   2   that mountains were beautiful.
  3   that time, mountains were feared by the people   4   on the plain (平原), especially by the city people, 
  5   the mountains were wild and   6   places   7   one was easily   8   or killed by terrible animals.
     Slowly,   9  , many people who were living  10  in the towns began to grow  11  city life. They began
to feel  12  looking for wild excitement, as their attention turned from the man-made town to the untouched
 13 , and to places  14  dangerous and wild. So high mountains became  15  for a holiday.
     Then mountain-climbing started to grow  16 . To some people, there is something  17  about getting to
the  18  of a high mountain: a struggle against nature is finer than a battle  19  other human beings. And after
a difficult climb, what a reward it is to  20  everything within sight!
( )1. A. when
( )2. A. regret
( )3. A. After
( )4. A. lived
( )5. A. whom
( )6. A. tidy
( )7. A. that
( )8. A. lost
( )9. A. however
( )10. A. comfortably
( )11. A. tiring from
( )12. A. interesting
( )13. A. country
( )14. A. where was
( )15. A. excited
( )16. A. for sport
( )17. A. pleasure
( )18. A. top
( )19. A. about
( )20. A. look up to
B. which
B. seem
B. Before
B. living
B. which
B. dangerous
B. which
B. missed
B. but
B. comfort
B. tiring of
B. interest in
B. ocean
B. that were
B. expensive   
B. as a sport
B. pleased
B. middle
B. for
B. look after
C. that
C. hope
C. During
C. to live
C. with whom
C. safe
C. where
C. found
C. therefore
C. comfortable
C. tired with
C. interested
C. sky
C. that was
C. popular
C. with a sport
C. pleasant
C. bottom
C. without
C. look down on 
D. and
D. think
D. At
D. who living
D. to whom
D. dusty
D. in where
D. searched
D. because
D. uncomfortable               
D. tired of
D. interested in
D. city
D. which it was
D. terrible
D. of a sport
D. unpleasant
D. foot
D. against
D. look forward to