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材料一  在甲午战争的民族灾难中成立的兴中会和强学会,一个以革命为宗旨,一个以改良为依归,它们揭出了革命与改良两面大旗,都想为衰落的中国寻找新的出路。改良派在甲午战争之后跃登历史舞台,其思想渊源和斗争趋向,是由战前30余年的改革思潮发展而来,也是对洋务派的批判和发展而来。 1905年,同盟会成立,它的理论体系——孙中山的三民主义也正式公布于世,并扩大武装起义和开展思想路线上的斗争。历史并没有一边倒,发生在中国领土上的日俄战争,使张謇所说的“日俄之胜负,立宪专制之胜负也”成为社会意识,立宪运动开始风起云涌。立宪派与工商业关系密切,抵制美货运动、收回利权运动和保路运动,多为立宪派发动;文化领域的学堂、报刊、著译等新文化事业,立宪派也比革命派影响大得多。以下层为主体的民变如千波万澜,起伏与南北各地,它以动乱的形式为革命开创了社会环境。新政以自我挽救为动机,但当它成为人们沉重的经济压力时,它又变成了加速王朝覆灭的催命符,在革命和改良的对峙中,下层群众作出了选择。 ——摘编自陈旭麓《近代中国社会的新陈代谢》

材料二  各省决心独立,蓄根在政府三年内之反对立宪,授柄在官收商办铁路之不合法,而发机在荫昌汉口之战,恣行杀略,凡识时务者皆能知之,既由极高之热度酿成一般之舆论,潮流万派,毕趋共和。 ——张謇《致袁世凯函》

材料三  记者:有人认为如果没有这个革命,可能立宪派会怎么怎么样……从一个历史学家的角度来看,你觉得辛亥革命是不是一个必然的结果?汪荣祖:假如是猜测性的,你可以说会更好,也可以说更坏。当时主张革命的人说把清朝腐败 * * 一直维持下去,中国就有可能亡国。但你也可以说,假如没有辛亥革命,清朝迟早要改革,但是速度要慢一点,这样稳妥地发展。但我觉得我们对西方的很多概念是有些误解,以为一定没有皇帝才有民主。那英国有皇帝,日本也有皇帝都可以民主的,这个并不影响的。当然辛亥革命已经发生了,它的重要性就是建立了民国,它终结了两千五百多年的帝制,它确实开创了一个新局面。……你说的必然、偶然是在史学上争论不休的问题,我的观点是:大势所趋的事情是有地,但是在大势所趋当中会有很多偶然的因素。偶然的因素太多了,假如当初的满清能够更满足一点立宪派,我想情况会不一样。 ——摘编自汪荣组《革命史最猛的一剂药》






     A loving person lives in a loving world.A hostile (敌意的) person lives in a hostile world.Everyone
you meet is your mirror.
     Mirrors have a very particular__1__.They reflect the image in front of them.Just as a__2__mirror
works as the vehicle to reflection,  __3__do all of the people in our lives.
     When we see something beautiful such as a flower garden,  that garden__4__a reflection.When we
love someone,  it's a(n)__5__of loving ourselves.We have often heard things like "I love how I am when I'm with that person". That simply__6__into "I'm able to love me when I love that other person". __7__,  when we meet someone new,  we feel as though we "click". Sometimes it's as if we've__8__each
other for a long time.That feeling can come from__9__similarities.
     Just as the "mirror" or other people can be a positive reflection,  it is more likely that we'll__10__it
when it has a negative connotation (内涵). __11__,  it's easy to remember the times when we have met
someone we're not particularly__12__about.We may have some criticism (批评) in our mind about the
__13__.This is especially true when we get to know someone with whom we would rather spend__14__
     Oftentimes,  when we__15__qualities in other people,  ironically (讽刺地),  it's usually the mirror
that's__16__to us.
     At times we meet someone__17__and feel distant,  disconnected,  or disgusted.__18__we don't
want to believe it,  and it's not easy or__19__to look further,  it can be a great learning lesson to__20__
what part of the person is being reflected in you.It's simply just another way to create more selfawareness.
 ( )1. A. target      
( )2. A. medical    
( )3. A. so          
( )4. A. focuses on  
( )5. A. reward      
( )6. A. grows      
( )7. A. Obviously    
( )8. A. known      
( )9. A. creating      
( )1. A. ignore    
( )11. A. In brief    
( )12. A. crazy      
( )13. A. time      
( )14. A. les s      
( )15. A. appreciate  
( )16. A. shouting    
( )17. A. new      
( )18. A. If        
( )19. A. terrible    
( )20. A. figure out  

B. style          
B. physical      
B. then          
B. applies to    
B. evaluation    
B. translates    
B. Strangely      
B. supported      
B. lacking        
B. keep          
B. In addition    
B. anxious        
B. mirror        
B. amazing        
B. dislike        
B. shining        
B. nervous        
B. Although      
B. noble          
B. take out      
C. function      
C. chemical      
C. nor          
C. works with    
C. reflection      
C. enters        
C. Fortunately    
C. observed      
C. sharing        
C. take        
C. For example  
C. upset        
C. garden      
C. more        
C. describe      
C. speaking      
C. familiar      
C. Since        
C. reliable      
C. put out        
D. color          
D. mental        
D. neither        
D. serves as      
D. example        
D. falls          
D. Frequently    
D. recognized    
D. comparing      
D. notice        
D. As usual      
D. concerned      
D. person        
D. valuable      
D. discover      
D. pointing      
D. friendly      
D. Once          
D. desirable      
D. give out      