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参考答案:A, C, D


根据下面给出的案例提示找出价格鉴证结论书中的10个错误。并简要说明理由。找出错误超出10个的,前10个有效,因前面的错误导致的错误只算一个错误。案例提示:××市公安消防支队在确定××市“5·30”火灾直接损失过程中,委托某市价格鉴证机构对被烧毁的库存物品及库房进行价格鉴证。该案例采用市场法。关于××市“5·30”火灾中被烧毁财产的价格鉴证结论书××市公安消防支队:根据你队价格鉴证委托书的委托,遵循独立、客观、公正的原则,按照规定的标准、程序和方法,依法对我市“5·30”火灾造成的财产损失进行了价格鉴证。现将价格鉴证情况综述如下:一、价格鉴证标的因火灾造成仓库存储物品及库房的直接经济损失。二、价格鉴证目的为公安消防部门确定火灾造成的直接经济损失提供价格依据。三、价格鉴证基准日2010年5月31日。四、价格定义价格鉴证结论所指价格是:鉴证标的在鉴证基准日,采用公开市场价值标准确定的客观合理的价格。五、价格鉴证依据(一)法律法规1.《××省价格评估鉴证办法》;2.“火灾直接财产损失统计办法”行业标准;3.《房屋完损等级评定标准》。(二)委托方提供的有关资料1.××昌盛电器实业股份有限公司记账凭单;2.××赛特鞋业有限公司仓库平面图。(三)鉴证方收集的有关资料1.对仓库保管员的询问笔录;2.××昌盛电器实业股份有限公司调查资料;3.××赛特鞋业有限公司月末库存商品结存表;4.昌盛牌电视机、空调在××等城市的市场销售情况;5.废旧电机、铁皮回收价格资料;6.现行房屋建筑成本价格资料。六、价格鉴证方法市场法。七、价格鉴证过程接受委托后,我中心成立了价格鉴证小组,制订了价格鉴证作业方案。经我中心价格鉴证人员会同公安消防人员到火灾现场和有关单位调查取证,掌握了火灾烧毁物品的种类和数量。根据价格鉴证标的的实际情况,确定本次价格鉴证采用成本法。八、价格鉴证结论价格鉴证标的在价格鉴证基准日的实际损失价值为¥3079637元(叁佰零柒万玖仟陆佰叁拾柒元整)。九、声明1.价格鉴证结论受结论书中已说明的限定条件限制。2.委托方提供资料的真实性由委托方负责。3.价格鉴证结论仅对本次委托有效,不做他用。未经我中心同意,不得向委托方和有关当事人之外的任何单位和个人提供。结论书的全部或部分内容,不得发表于任何公开媒体上。4.鉴证机构和鉴证人员与价格鉴证标的没有利害关系,也与有关当事人没有利害关系。十、价格鉴证作业日期2010年5月31日至2010年9月20日。十一、价格鉴证机构机构名称:××市价格认证中心法定代表人签字:(略)十二、价格鉴证人员姓名 执业资格名称 资格证号×× ×××× ××××× ×××× ×××十三、附件1.“5·30”火灾烧毁物品、房屋损失价格鉴证技术报告(略);2.××市公安消防支队价格鉴证委托书复印件及委托鉴证物品明细表(略);3.价格鉴证机构资质证复印件(略);4.价格鉴证人员资格证书复印件(略)。××市价格认证中心



     Nine out of 10 New Zealanders rate their quality of life as good or better, according to a new survey

published on Monday.

     Researchers for the third national Quality of Life survey spoke to 500 people in each of the 12 main

centers and 2,000 people in the rest of the country.

     In the cities, 87 percent of residents said their overall health was good or better and 86 percent of

people said they had enough money to cover living costs.

     Nine out of 10 people said they felt safe in their homes, but people were concerned about vandalism(恶意破坏), car theft and dangerous driving .

     Only 11 percent of people nationwide said they felt safe in their city center at night for reasons

including the perception of dangerous people in the area, media coverage of crime and alcohol and drug

problems in the central city.

     People in Wellington and the North Shore felt safest, while Christchurch had the highest number of

people who felt unsafe.

     Wellingtonians were the most proud of their city, 82 percent, while the least proud were people in

Manuka, 43 percent, and Auckland, 51 percent.

     Wellingtonians thought they had the best quality of life at 94.9 percent, followed by Dunedin at 94.2

percent and Christchurch at 93.1 percent.

     The survey found 59 percent of people in the cities felt people from different cultures made their city a

better place to live.

     The 12 participating councils were North Shore, Waitakere, Auckland, Manukau, Rodney, Hamilton, Tauranga, Wellington, Porirua, Hutt Christchurch and Dunedin.

     The survey was funded by the councils and the Ministry of Social Development.

1. What is the best title of the passage?

A. Research shows New Zealanders are happier than Americans.

B. The third national Quality of Life survey shows its research.

C. New Zealanders have good quality of life in the world.

D. A new survey was published on Monday.

2. Which if the following city is thought to be the least safe?

A. Wellington.

B. the North Shore.

C. Dunedin.

D. Christchurch.

3. The underlined word "coverage" in the fifth paragraph is closest in meaning to ______.

A. report.

B. protection.

C. shelter.

D. consistence.

4. How is the passage organized?

A. with example.

B. with figures.

C. with facts.

D. with ideas.

5. Which of the following would be NOT true according to the passage?

A. New Zealanders are satisfied with their life.

B. The survey was supported by the councils in money.

C. Less than half of the people lie their good life in different cultures.

D. The Wellingtonians were the most proud of their city.
