











甲公司为母公司,2007年1月1日,甲公司用银行存款20 000万元从证券市场上购入乙公司发行在外60%的股份并能够控制乙公司。同日,乙公司账面所有者权益为30 000万元(与可辨认净资产公允价值相等),其中:股本为20 000万元,资本公积为5 000万元,盈余公积为500万元,未分配利润为4 500万元。该项合并不属于同一控制下的企业合并。
(1)乙公司2007年度实现净利润3 000万元,提取盈余公积300万元;2007年宣告分派2006年现金股利1 000万元;无其他所有者权益变动。2008年实现净利润4 000万元,提取盈余公积400万元,2008年宣告分派2007年现金股利1 200万元。
(2)甲公司2007年销售一批产品给乙公司,售价为500万元,成本300万元,乙公司 2007年未实现对外销售,2008年甲公司又出售一批产品给乙公司,售价800万元,成本 500万元,乙公司2008年对外销售2007年从甲公司购进产品的80%,销售2008年从甲公司购进产品的60%。


There’s a body of water in Israel that is actually below sea level. Water constantly runs into it, but, because of the law of gravity (万有引力定律),nothing can flow out of it. Do you know the name of this famous lake? It’s called the Dead Sea. It’s called this because no living thing could live there. The water is almost dead, compared to what happens with “living water”.

When you think of the term “living water”, the image that comes to mind is a rushing river that is flowing. It’s filled with life and movement. It doesn’t just “receive”, but is also “giving” simultaneously.

Many of us believe that we need to receive more of something in order to be happy. Whether what we desire is money or something else, we think we need more of it in order to be fulfilled.

As a result, we begin to operate in fear and therefore don’t give anything because we’re afraid that we won’t have enough. The result? Like the Dead Sea, we become lifeless. Life is meant to flow. when a pool stops flowing, it becomes stagnant(停滞的). Stagnant water breeds disease and death. It can’t breathe. It can’t receive any more. If nothing is flowing out, there’s no room for anything else to come in.

The solution? Give. As you give, you’ll receive. It’s a universal law. You see it at work everywhere. we’ve somehow been deceived ( 欺骗 )into believing that if we don’t give, we’ll have more. Or we’re afraid that if we do give, we won’t have anything left. On one hand, this seems to make sense. But it doesn’t work. Because when we don’t give, we shut off the flow of what’s coming in.

小题1:What is the first paragraph mainly about?

A.The development of the Dead Sea

B.The special character of the Dead Sea

C.The position of the Dead Sea

D.The present situation of the Dead Sea小题2:According to the passage, people wouldn’t like to give because________.

A.they are really poor in fact

B.they don’t know how to give

C.they don’t know who to give

D.they are still not satisfied小题3:According to the passage, if you refuse to give, you will___________.

A.be like a pool with stagnant water

B.have enough space for what you’ll receive

C.need something more to be satisfied

D.do everything according to the law小题4:What would be the best title for the passage?

A.Give and you’ll receive

B.The secret of the Dead sea

C.A universal law

D.come in and come out
