
阅读下列材料: 材料一……以天下之广,四海之众,千端万绪,须合变通,皆委百司商量




材料一  ……以天下之广,四海之众,千端万绪,须合变通,皆委百司商量,宰相筹画(“画”同“划”),于事稳便,方可奏行。岂得以一日万机,独断一人之虑也。且日断十事,五条不中,中者信善,其如不中者何?以日继月,乃至累年,乖谬既多,不亡何待?


材料二 (太宗时)彦博曰:“王者之于万物,天翻地载,靡有所遗,今突厥穷来归我,奈何弃之而不受乎!孔子曰:有教无类。欲救其死亡,授以生业,教之礼义,数年之后,悉为吾民,选其酋长,使入宿卫,畏威怀德,何后患之有?”上卒用彦博策,处突厥降众。


材料三  贞观三年,太宗谓侍臣曰:“中书、门下,要机之司,擢才而居,委任实重。诏敕如有不稳便,皆须执论。比来惟觉阿旨顺情,唯唯苟过,遂无一言谏诤者,岂是道理?若惟署诏敕,行文书而己,人谁不堪?何须简择,以相委付?自今诏旨疑有不稳便,必须执言,不得妄有畏惧,知而寝默。”

材料四  贞观二年,公卿奏曰:“依(礼),季夏之月,可以居台榭。今夏暑未退,秋霖方始,宫中卑湿,请营一阁以居之。”太宗曰:“朕有气疾,岂宜下湿?若遂来请,糜费良多。昔汉文将起露台,而惜十家之产,朕德不逮于汉帝,而所费过之,岂为人父母之道也?”固请至于再三,竟不许。

材料五  自突厥颉利破后,诸部首领来降者,皆拜 * * 中郎将;布列朝廷,五品已上百余人,殆与朝士相伴,唯拓跋不至,又遣招慰之,使者相望于道。








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About forty years ago, I was an instructor in the military academy at Woolwich, when young Scoresby was given his first examination. Everybody answered the questions well, intelligently, while he—why, dear me—he did not know anything, so to speak. It was painful to see him stand there and give answers that were miracles(奇迹) of stupidity.

I took him aside and found he knew a little about Julius Ceasar’s history. So, I worked him like a slave on a few questions about Ceasar. If you will believe me, when examined again, he was asked no questions but those I made him study. Such an accident does not happen more than once in a hundred years. Well, all through his studies, I stood by him, with the feeling a mother has for a disabled child. And he always saved himself by some miracle.

Then, the Crimean War broke out. Nervously, I waited for the worst to happen. It did. He was appointed an officer. Who could have dreamed that they would place such a responsibility on such weak shoulders as his! I said to myself that I was responsible to the country for this. I must go with him and protect the nation against him as far as I could. So, I joined up with him.

And there, oh dear, he never did anything but mistakes. But, everybody misunderstood his stupid mistakes as works of great intelligence. The battle grew hotter. The English soldiers were steadily withdrawing all over the field. An order came for him to fall back and support our right. Instead, he moved forward and went over the hill to the left. We were over the hill before this crazy movement could be discovered and stopped. And what did we find? A large and unsuspected Russian army waiting! But those surprised Russians thought that no single team by itself would come around there at such a time. It must be the whole British army. They turned tail, away they went over the hill and down into the field in wild disorder, and we after them. In no time, there was the greatest turn around you ever saw.

Until now, nobody knew it but Scoresby and myself. He has filled his whole military life with mistakes, every one of which brought him another honorary title. They are proof that the best thing that can happen to a man is to be born lucky.

46. How was Scoresby doing academically?

A. His answers to the questions were miracles.

B. He was good at military history.

C. He received help because of his disability.

D. He did rather poorly in his study.

47. “I” join up with Scoresby in the Crimean War because “I” ________.

A. wanted to see the worst happen

B. had no confidence in him

C. liked to fight against Scoresby

D. wanted to protect my student

48. Why did the Russian army flee?

A. Because Scoresby mistook his left hand for his right hand.

B. Because Scoresby failed to recognize the direction.

C. Because they thought the whole British army were coming.

D. Because they wanted to go down into the field.

49. What is the secret of Scoresby’s military “success”?

A. Good luck.           B. Hard work.        C. Help from others       .      D. Mistakes.

50. The tone(语调) of the passage is _____________.

A. Relaxing           B. Encouraging   C. Sarcastic(讽刺的)         D. Humorous
