
目前计算机的主板多使用()类型的机箱。A.AT B.PC C.ATX D.NLX











The United States is wellknown for its network of major highways designed to help a driver get from one place to another in the shortest possible time. 36 these wide modern roads are generally  37 and well maintained, with  38  sharp curves and many straight  39 ,a direct route is not always the most  40  one. Large highways often pass  41 scenic areas and interesting small towns. Furthermore, these highways generally  42  large urban centers which means that they become crowded with  43  traffic during rush hours, 44 the “fast, direct” way becomes a very slow route. However, there is  45 always another route to take  46  you are not in a hurry. Not far from the  47  new “superhighways”,there are often older, 48  heavily traveled roads which go through the countryside. 49 of these are good two lane roads; others are uneven roads  50  through the country. These secondary routes may go up steep slopes, along hilly 51 or down frightening hillsides to towns  52  in deep valleys. Though these are less direct routes, longer and slower, they generally go to places 53 the air is clear and the scenery is beautiful, and the driver may have a  54  to get a fresh, clean  55  of the world.

36. A. Although     B. Since  C. Because      D. Therefore

37. A. rough   B. splendid     C. smooth       D. complicated

38. A. little     B. few     C. much  D. many

39. A. selections     B. separations C. divisions    D. sections

40. A. terrible B. Possible     C. enjoyable   D. reasonable

41. A. to  B. Into    C. over    D. by

42. A. lead      B. connect      C. collect D. provide

43. A. large    B. fast     C. light   D. heavy

44. A. when    B. for      C. but     D. that

45. A. yet       B. still     C. almost D. quite

46. A. unless   B. if C. as       D. since

47. A. relatively     B. regularly    C. reasonably  D. respectively

48. A. and      B. Less    C. more   D. or

49. A. All       B. Several      C. Lots    D. Some

50. A. driving B. crossing     C. curving      D. traveling

51. A. rocks    B. cliffs   C. roads  D. paths

52. A. lying    B. laying C. laid     D. lied

53. A. there    B. when  C. which D. where

54. A. space    B. period C. chance       D. spot

55. A. view     B. variety       C. visit    D. Virtue


如图所示,一轻弹簧左端固定在质量为M的长木块上,右端固定在质量为m的小木块上.已知M>m,且M与m之间接触面粗糙,M与地面间接触面光滑,开始时m和M均静止,现同时对m和M施加等大反向的水平恒力F1和F2从两物体开始运动至两物体速度达最大的整个过程中,设弹簧形变均在弹性限度内,则下列说法正确的是(  )




