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进人新世纪,和平与发展依然是时代的主题,我国的发展面临前所未有的大好机遇,和平发展理念的提出与之相契合。基于此,我们对国际文化的形势有三个基本判断:一是世界文化多样性发展的趋势不会改变;二是不同文化间对话多于对抗、交流多于封闭、合作多于冲突的主流不会改变;三是对外文化工作机遇大于挑战的基本结局不会改变。以平等的态度对待其他民族的文化,以博大的胸怀汲取人类创造的一切优秀文明成果,以“和为贵″“和而不同”,其精义也在于此。从历史到今天,文化交好、礼尚往来在中 * * 对外交往中常常被优先选择,既显示出一个文明国家的品格和气度,又弘扬了中华文化的优秀传统。在和平与发展的时代背景下,我们应当把推动对外文化交流作为对外开放的重要内容,不断开创对外文化交流工作的新局面。




While the ripples of America’s subprime-mortgage crisis have spread far and wide, Latin America—a place long associated with financial disaster—has remained improbably calm. Banks have reported no unpleasant surprises. Brazil and Peru have been blessed with coveted investment-grade ratings. Surprisingly, perhaps the fleetest country of all has been Argentina. Since it emerged from the financial crisis of 2001-02, it has been one of the world’s fastest-growing economies. It is expected to expand faster than most of its neighbors again this year.

Quite simply, it barely has any credit. Back when its economy virtually collapsed, the country suffered a run on its banks, followed by a freeze on withdrawals, and a massive currency devaluation. As a result, bank lending to the private sector shrivelled, from 23.8% of GDP in 2000 to 10.8% in 2003. Since then, it has rebounded to a piddling 13% ; by contrast, the ratio in Brazil was 36.5% in 2006. Almost all of these loans in Argentina are accessible only on a short-term basis.

Once its recovery began in June 2002, Argentina became a paradise for business. Unemployment of over 20% kept wages down, and the devaluation gave exporters an edge on foreign competitors. The ample productive capacity left idle by the crisis meant firms could expand without making big investments. And the windfall profits reaped by agricultural exporters, thanks to record commodities prices, enabled many of them to finance new projects out of earnings. Hence the economy could grow at almost 9% a year with little need for credit.

But such a lucky confluence of factors could not last. Starting in early 2005 ,.inflation picked up, a sign that the installed capacity was starting to limit output. Salaries and prices for raw materials increased sharply, cutting into profits. And farmers were particularly hard hit when the government nearly doubled the taxes in farm exports. Now, just as companies need to embark on big investments if they are to keep growing, their margins are no longer big enough to pay for the expansion and they need to borrow.

So, the time is ripe for the country’s financial system to recover. But a number of things are in the way. Foremost is Argentina’s business risk. Those in the informal economy (which represents over 40% of GDP) can neither save nor borrow legally, lest they become known to the taxmen. The rest remain cowed by memories of the crisis. Although Argentines have poured their savings into property, fuelling a construction boom, they still hold about four-fifths of their deposits abroad.

Inflation, fuelled by a public-spending binge, state-mandated wage increases, and a cheap currency, is not helping either. No one knows how high it is. The consumer-price index is doctored to keep the official rate below 10%, but private estimates suggest it is near 25%. Without a reliable index of inflation, lending is almost impossible, even for the medium term. And the central bank has kept interest rates ply negative in real terms, encouraging workers to spend their wages rather than to save.

what is the main idea of the text()

A. Credit does not play a role in economy

B. Banking sector and capital markets sometimes are not so important in economy

C. Argentina’s economy is the best one in Latin America

D. Argentina is a paradise for business
