
有机膦酸盐防垢剂乙二胺四甲叉膦酸代号是()。 A.EDTMP B.PAC C.HED









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  王霸字符伯,颍川颍阳人也。汉兵起,光武过颍阳,遂从击破王寻、王邑于昆阳,及光武为大司马,以霸为功曹令史,从度河北。 宾客从霸者数十人,稍稍引去。光武谓霸曰:“颍川从我者皆逝,而子独留。努力!疾风知劲草。”


  从平河北,常与臧宫、傅俊共营,霸独善抚士卒,死者脱衣以敛之,伤者躬亲以养之。光武即位,以霸晓兵爱士,可独任,拜为偏 * * 。

  四年秋,帝幸谯,使霸与捕虏 * * 马武东讨周建于垂惠。苏茂将五校兵四千余人救建,武恃霸之援,战不甚力,为茂、建所败。武军奔过霸营,大呼求救。霸曰:“贼兵盛,出必两败,努力而已。”乃闭营坚壁。军吏皆争之。霸曰:“茂兵精锐,其众又多,吾吏士心恐,而捕虏与吾相恃,两军不一,此败道也。今闭营固守,示不相援,贼必乘胜轻进;捕虏无救,其战自倍。如此,茂众疲劳,吾承其弊,乃可克也。”茂、建果悉出攻武。合战良久,霸军中壮士路润等数十人断发请战。霸知士心锐,乃开营后,出精骑袭其背。茂、建前后受敌,惊乱败走,霸、武各归营。贼复聚众挑战,霸坚卧不出,方飨士作倡乐。茂雨射营中,中霸前酒樽,霸安坐不动。军吏皆曰:“茂前日已破;今易击也。”霸曰:“不然。苏茂客兵远来,粮食不足,故数挑战,以侥一切之胜。今闭营休士,所谓不战而屈人之兵,善之善者也。”茂、建既不得战,乃引还营。

  十三年,增邑户,更封向侯。三十年,定封淮陵侯。永平二年,以病免,后数月卒。 (《后汉书·王霸传》,有删节)

1、对下列句子中划线词的解释,不正确的一项是[ ]





2、下列各组句子分别表明王霸“善抚士卒”和“有谋略”的一组是[ ]

A、①死者脱衣以敛之   ②追斩王郎,得其玺绶

B、①伤者躬亲以养之   ②不相援,贼必乘胜轻进

C、①客兵远来,粮食不足 ②贼兵盛,出必两败,努力而已

D、①方飨士作倡乐    ②中霸前酒樽,霸安坐不动

3、下列对原文有关内容的分析和慨括,不正确的一项是[ ]






①以霸晓兵爱士,可独任,拜为偏 * * 。 







We already live in an ever-communicated world that will only become mere so in the next tech era. We’ve (1) that gets us so much information. We’ve got every second (2) , we’ve get computers and laptops, we’ve get personal organizers and we’re just being (3) and every advance in technology seems to create more and more communications at us. We are sort of (4) .
Research suggests that all the multi-tasking may actually make our brains (5) , producing a world-wide increase in IQ (6) and mere in recent decades. Is there any real benefit in (7) we new have to go through
We’re net becoming a race of (8) , but many de think certain skills are enhanced and certain are net. You knew the ability to (9) , to answer a dozen e- mails in five minutes, or to fill out (10) . That’s enhanced. But when someone is out there with his kids (11) or something like that, he’s got his cell phone in his pocket. He’s always wondering, "Gee, did I get a voicemail " This might have negative effects (12) .
Creativity is something that happens slowly. It happens when your brain is just (13) , just playing, when it (14) which you hadn’t thought of, or maybe you have time to read a book. You are a businessperson but you have time to (15) ,or about a philosopher and something that happened long age or something or some idea (16) . Actually, it might occur to you that you (17) in that way, and so it’s this mixture of unrelated ideas that feeds your productivity, (18) . And if your mind is disciplined to answer every e-mail, then you don’t have time for that playful noodling. You don’t have time for (19) . So I think maybe we’re getting smarter in .some senses, but ever-communication is (20) and to our reflection.

We already live in an ever-communicated world that will only become mere so in the next tech era. We’ve (1) that gets us so much information. We’ve got every second (2) , we’ve get computers and laptops, we’ve get personal organizers and we’re just being (3) and every advance in technology seems to create more and more communications at us. We are sort of (4) .
Research suggests that all the multi-tasking may actually make our brains (5) , producing a world-wide increase in IQ (6) and mere in recent decades. Is there any real benefit in (7) we new have to go through
We’re net becoming a race of (8) , but many de think certain skills are enhanced and certain are net. You knew the ability to (9) , to answer a dozen e- mails in five minutes, or to fill out (10) . That’s enhanced. But when someone is out there with his kids (11) or something like that, he’s got his cell phone in his pocket. He’s always wondering, "Gee, did I get a voicemail " This might have negative effects (12) .
Creativity is something that happens slowly. It happens when your brain is just (13) , just playing, when it (14) which you hadn’t thought of, or maybe you have time to read a book. You are a businessperson but you have time to (15) ,or about a philosopher and something that happened long age or something or some idea (16) . Actually, it might occur to you that you (17) in that way, and so it’s this mixture of unrelated ideas that feeds your productivity, (18) . And if your mind is disciplined to answer every e-mail, then you don’t have time for that playful noodling. You don’t have time for (19) . So I think maybe we’re getting smarter in .some senses, but ever-communication is (20) and to our reflection.
