
易发生蒂扭转的卵巢囊肿是() A.巧克力囊肿 B.黏液性囊腺瘤 C.皮样囊肿 D.浆

题型:单项选择题 A1/A2型题











Japan is made up of a chain of islands that lie off the coast of Asia. People came to live in Japan from the nearby countries of China and Korea. From these older countries, the Japanese borrowed ideas, inventions and habits.

For many years, the Japanese built houses like those in China. They dressed themselves like a Chinese. From China came their way of writing and their habit of drinking tea.

In more recent times, the Japanese have borrowed things from our country, the United States. They have a government like ours. They do much work in science, as we do. Baseball is a favorite sport in Japan, just as it is here.

Things change when they come to Japan. The Japanese improve on almost everything they borrow. The art of garden making came from Korea and China, but the Japanese gardens are special. Each garden has a waterfall, a pond, and small bridges. There are few flowers in Japanese gardens. But the gardens are green during all the year round because they have many evergreens. Japanese gardens have a different kind of beauty.

小题1: The first paragraph of the passage tells us that ________ centuries ago.

A.the Japanese borrowed ideas only from China and Korea

B.people came to live in Japan from neighbouring Asian countries

C.Japan is much older than Korea

D.many Japanese came from the United States小题2: In the third paragraph of the passage the italic (斜体)words “just as it is here” mean”________”

A.just as it is in the United States

B.just as it is in China

C.just as it is in Japan

D.just as it is in Asia小题3: Why did the Japanese change the things they had borrowed?

A.They wanted very much to be different from others.

B.They didn’t like them the way they were.

C.They wanted visitors to like the change.

D.They tried to make them better.小题4: From the passage we can see that ________.

A.Japanese gardens are different from those in other countries but not very beautiful

B.Japanese gardens are full of life during all the seasons

C.Japanese gardens are not very big

D.There are many flowers in Japanese gardens小题5: Choose a statement from the following sentences that is NOT true.

A.The government of Japan is like that of the United States.

B.People in the United States like playing baseball.

C.The Japanese invented the habit of drinking tea.

D.Japan is made up of many islands.

题型:问答题 案例分析题

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