
纯钛铸件铸造后采用的冷却方式比较好的是()。 A.室温下慢慢冷却 B.热水冷却

题型:单项选择题 A1/A2型题











The girl looking for the job turned out to be excellent but she ended up giving her employer a headache when it also turned out that she used an unreal diploma(文凭).

In December, a Civil Administration Bureau in the city of Wuhan, Hubei Province, an­nounced that it needed five new staff members. Some 120 people applied and took the exam. Ap­plicants were required to show proof of a college degree at least.

Mei Jing beat everyone in the test and the interview. When a follow-up check was done, however, her education certificate(证书) was discovered to be an unreal one.

This was a bit of an embarrassment for the employers. A dilemma, one might say. If she were hired because of her excellent performance, she still wouldn't have the qualifications on pa­per. But, if she were dropped because she didn't meet the education requirements, they would lose a good worker. Tough problem!

While Mei's future hangs in the balance, the public having learned of the case got involved. Some people said the Bureau should employ her, since results are the only important thing. “After all, ability is more important than a diploma, ”said one office worker.

Others, however, have attacked Mei's dishonesty. They said that morality was, after all, more important than talent, especially in the case of a government position. Mei wasn't honest, so she shouldn't be hired.

But, Shen Ronghua, the head of the Shanghai Public Administration and Human Resources Institute, tries to be a bit more philosophical.

“There is still a sort of  'diploma means this'  prejudice among people,” Shen explains, “Many employers regard a diploma as the only sign of ability and talent.”

So, with this in mind, people may pay little attention to whether someone has real ability or not. They turn to chasing a diploma instead. The unreal diploma is the natural product of this thought.

The conclusion? "China needs a new human resource system. The new system will not define a person only by his or her diploma, " Shen says.

小题1:What's the meaning of the underlined word “dilemma” in Paragraph Four?

A.A problem easy to deal with or solve.

B.A situation in which it is difficult for you to make the decision.

C.A difference in two or more statements, ideas, or stories.

D.Something said or done that is funny.小题2:What can we infer from this news report?

A.The Civil Administration Bureau of Wuhan employed the girl.

B.The girl was not employed because of dishonesty.

C.It remained to be seen whether the girl was to be employed or not.

D.Another Human Resource Institute employed the girl.小题3:What does Shen Ronghua mean by saying “diploma means this”?

A.A diploma can tell whether a person is honest or not.

B.A diploma is the only sign of ability and talent.

C.A diploma is what you get after you finish a course.

D.A diploma means a job.小题4: Which of the following do you think is the best title of this news report?

A.A Girl's Unlucky Experience.

B.Unreal Diploma.

C.Dishonesty Has Been Attacked.

D.Can A Diploma Be All There Is.


小明是一所大学的学生,21岁。某日他到某家录像厅看录像,发现这里竟然组织播放内容极其下流的淫秽录像,于是小明将此事告诉了他的老师夏某。夏某就向公安机关报告了此事。公安机关经过审查后决定立案侦查此案。此后,小明又匿名向公安机关寄去了书面证明材料,陈述了自己的所见所闻。夏某也向公安机关写了一份书面材料,将小明告诉给自己的情况提供给了公安局。公安局将录像厅的老板传唤至公安机关讯问,该老板许某承认了自己以营利为目的而播放淫秽录像的事实。公安机关也从许某的录像厅里搜出多盘淫秽录像带。公安机关将许某的录像设备及录像带全部拍成照片以便移送人民检察院审查起诉。 (1)本案的证据中,属于证人证言这类证据的有:( )




