

题型:单项选择题 共用题干题











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Climate change connected with the reduction of wetlands at the source of the country's two longest rivers, the Yangtze and the Yellow, has reduced the volume of water flowing into them, scientists said.

Scientists studied changes over past 40 years to the wetlands on the cold Qinghai­Tibet Plateau in west China where the two rivers have their sources.

They found the wetlands on the plateau have shrunk (减少) more than 10 percent over the past four years. The wetlands at the source of the Yangtze have suffered the most, decreasing by 29 percent.

About 17.5 percent of the small lakes at the source of the Yangtze have dried up, the scientists said.

“The wetland plays a key role in holding water and changing the water volume of the rivers,” Wang Xugen, a researcher, said.

“The reduction of the wetland on the plateau is closely connected with global warming,” Wang said, adding that even though rainfall has increased in the area, the reduction of the wetland has reduced the flow of the Yangtze and the Yellow.

Records by the weather station at the head of the Yangtze showed yearly rainfall at its source increased from 260 mm during 1991—2000 to 323 mm in the period 2001—2006.

“But the increased rainfall didn't lead to more water's flowing into the rivers because the evaporation (蒸发) was so fast as a result of global warming,” Li Shijie, a researcher, said.

Another study showed global warming had caused glaciers to get smaller, frozen earth to melt, grasslands to turn yellow and rivers to dry up.

The Qinghai­Tibet Plateau used to have 36 000 glaciers covering an area of 50 000 sq km. In the past 100 years, their area has been reduced by 30 percent.

60.According to the passage, the true statement of the following is that    .

A.the wetlands at the source of the Yellow have decreased by 29 percent

B.there's no more water in about 17.5 percent of the small lakes at the source of the Yangtze

C.the reduction of the wetland on the plateau has nothing to do with global warming

D.yearly rainfall has increased from 260 mm to 323 mm in the past 15 years

61.Which of the following is NOT the result of global warming?

A.Frozen earth melts.  B.Evaporation becomes faster.

C.Sea level rises.      D.Plants grow better in greenhouses.

62.The area that the glaciers of the Qinghai­Tibet Plateau cover is now about    sq km.

A.35 000  B.12 000  C.15 000  D.17 000

63.In the passage,    plays a most important part in holding water and changing the volume of the rivers.

A.yearly rainfall  B.the evaporation  C.the wetland  D.climate change


一、注意事项  1.《申论》考试,与传统作文考试不同,是对分析材料的能力、表达能力的考试。  2.作答参考时限:阅读资料40分钟,作答110分钟。  3.仔细阅读给定的资料,按照后面提出的“申论要求”依次作答。 二、资料  1.今年2月,南昌市一名15岁的初中生因迷恋电脑游戏而离家出走,竟然连续 24天不到学校上课,也不回家,整天泡在游戏机室。这些电脑游戏室24小时经营,提供“吃住玩一条龙”服务。  2.山东德州一位16岁的少年玩遍当地游戏机室仍觉不过瘾,竟从家中偷了4000元,先后赴津入沪“上档次”,周游了两个多月。  在新闻媒体频频曝光这些事件后,人们发现,“游戏机病”已像瘟疫一样在全国中小学生中蔓延。部分城市初步调查,至少有10%的中小学生沉迷于玩游戏机,有的城市甚至达到20%至30%。  3.更出乎人们意料的是,电子游戏机无异于“电子海洛因”,是诱发青少年犯罪的罪魁祸首。武汉的精神卫生专家研究分析接触到的病例后告诉记者,青少年一旦沉迷于游戏机,即会产生愈来愈强烈的心理依赖和反复操作的渴望,不能操作时便出现情绪烦躁、抑郁等戒断症状。这种成瘾症状和戒断症状同时存在的特征,与毒品海洛因的成瘾行为特征极其相似。  4.武昌发生的7名青少年持刀伤害抢劫案,造成2名学生重伤住院。他们抢到钱后,都用于玩游戏机。西湖区吴家山农场3名14岁的少年沉溺于游戏机,在近两个月时间盗窃作案十多起,盗得财物价值数万元。  一位多年主办未成年人涉嫌犯罪案的检察官说,去年由于玩游戏机引发犯罪的已占青少年犯罪案的10%。  5.近一段时间以来,各地已采取强有力措施整治游戏机室。然而,彻底根治游戏机这一顽症,却并非易事。  管理不严、执法不严是症结所在。部门职责难分,游戏机室的开办需要公安、文化、工商三部门审批,三证俱全方可营业,可调查发现,现在大部分游戏机室证照不全或无证经营,有一城市电子、电脑游戏机室达3000余家,八成是无证经营。

