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Three Central Texas men were honored with the Texas Department of Public Safety's Director's Award in a Tuesday morning ceremony for their heroism in saving the victims of a serious two­car accident.

The accident occurred on March 25 when a vehicle lost control while traveling on rain­soaked State Highway 6 near Baylor Camp Road. It ran into an oncoming vehicle, leaving the occupants trapped inside as both vehicles burst into flames.

Bonge was the first on the scene and heard children screaming. He broke through a back window and pulled Mallory Smith, 10, and her sister, Megan Smith, 9, from the wreckage.

The girl's mother, Beckie Smith, was not with them at the time of the wreck, as they were traveling with their body sitter, Lisa Bowbin.

Beckie Smith still remembers the sickening feeling she had upon receiving the call informing her of the wreck and the despair as she drove to the scene.

Bozeman and Clemmons arrived shortly after Bonge and helped rescue the other victims and attempted to put out the fires.

“I was nervous,”Bozeman said. “I don't feel like I'm a hero. I was just doing what anyone should do in that situation. I hope someone would do the same for me.”

Everyone at the accident made it out alive, with the victims suffering from nonlife­threatening injuries. Mallory Smith broke both femurs, and Megan had neck and back injuries. Bowbin is still recovering from a broken pelvis, ankle and foot.

The rescuers also were taken to the hospital and treated for cuts and smoke breathing, Bonge said.

In addition, Bozeman got to meet accident victim Anthony Russo in the hospital after the accident, where Russo presented him with a glass frame inscribed with “Thank you”, Bozeman said. Those involved in that fateful encounter on Highway 6 credited God blessing for bringing them together.

“Whatever the circumstances, Tuesday's ceremony provided a time to be grateful for those who put their lives on the line for the lives of complete strangers,”Beckie Smith said,“We're calling it The Miracle on Highway 6.”

小题1:What's the main idea of the passage?

A.Three persons were awarded for rescuing victims in a car accident.

B.Three ordinary people were regarded as great heroes.

C.Several victims were carried to safety from the burning cars.

D.A car accident occurred on rain­soaked State Highway 6.小题2:Who saved Megan Smith from the damaged car?


B.Anthony Russo.


D.Bonge.小题3:Which of the following can be used to describe Bozeman?




D.Smart.小题4:Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A.Luckily, no one received too serious injuries in the accident.

B.All the victims received slight injuries in the accident.

C.The rescuers were taken to the hospital to visit the victims.

D.The injured will soon recover from their injuries.小题5:It can be inferred from what Beckie Smith said that____.

A.she regarded the accident as a wonder

B.she was frightened by the serious accident

C.she thought highly of the rescuers

D.she called on others to learn from the rescuers

题型:问答题 案例分析题

阅读文本材料和具体要求,完成问题。李大钊《艰难的国运与雄健的国民》原文历史的道路,不全是平坦的,有时走到艰难险阻的境界,这是全靠雄健的精神才能够冲过去的。一条浩浩荡荡的长江大河,有时流到很宽阔的境界,平原无际,一泻万里。有时流到很逼狭的境界,两岸丛山叠岭,绝壁断崖,江河流于其间,回环曲折,极其险峻。民族生命的进程,其经历亦复如是。人类在历史上的生活正如旅行一样。旅途上的征人所经过的地方,有时是坦荡平原,有时是崎岖险路。老于旅途的人,走到平坦的地方,固是高高兴兴地向前走,走到崎岖的境界,愈是奇趣横生,觉得在此奇绝壮绝的境界,愈能感到一种冒险的美趣。中 * * 现在所逢的史路,是一段崎岖险阻的道路。在这一段道路上,实在亦有一种奇绝壮绝的景致,使我们经过这段道路的人,感到一种壮美的趣味。但这种壮美的趣味,没有雄健的精神是不能够感觉到的。我们的扬子江、黄河,可以代表我们的民族的精神,扬子江及黄河遇见沙漠、遇见山峡都是浩浩荡荡地往前流过去,以成其浊流滚滚、一泻万里的魄势。目前艰难境界,哪能阻抑我们民族生命的前进?我们应该拿出雄健的精神,高唱着进行的曲调,在这悲壮歌声中,走过这崎岖险阻的道路。要知在艰难的国运中建造国家,亦是人生最有趣味的事……单元导语在我们心中,“祖国”不是一个普通的名词。她意味着大地、江河、语言、文化、民族、同胞等等。爱祖国.就是爱这些与我们息息相关的事物。这个单元的课文,都是表现爱国主题的文学作品。一样的感情,不一样的表达,都富有动人心弦的力量。学习本单元,要反复朗读,整体感知课文的思想内容,培养崇高的爱国主义情操,并揣摩精彩段落和关键词句,学习语言运用的技巧。课文导语这是一篇用散文形式写的“黄河颂”、民族精神颂。有感情地朗读本文,感受作者的高尚情怀和伟大精神。课后练习1.试阐释文中提倡的“雄健的精神”。2.怎样理解作者所说“趣味”?《义务教育语文课程标准(2011年版)》的相关要求欣赏文学作品,有自己的情感体验,初步领悟作品的内涵,从中获得对自然、社会、人生的有益启示,对作品中感人的情境和形象,能说出自己的体验;品味作品中富于表现力的语言。学生情况七年级,班额49人课时安排一课时教学条件教室配有多媒体设备,能够演示幻灯片,播放视频、音频文件等。

