
与甘草相反的药物是() A.半夏 B.贝母 C.瓜蒌 D.藜芦 E.海藻










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参考答案:A, B, C, D



(1) 该公司2010年制订计划,并于7月初实施成功,又向社会公开发行股份4200万股。增发后,公司提出申请于2011年初经批准上市。

(2) 甲公司上市后,根据要求,应增选3位独立董事,召开股东大会,出席会议的股东代表公司6600万股,其中包括两位发起人股东持有公司的股份2140万股;但参加会议的社会公众股东担心此次增选的3位独立董事会因大股东的投票权所操纵。

(3) 独立董事增选成功后,甲公司于2011年6月5日对外发出公告,于6月18日召开董事会,该公司共有董事9人,其中出席会议的董事共7人(包括代表两位发起人大股东的董事5人),会议讨论的内容主要有:




(4) 甲公司接到某证券公司的意向通知,证券公司希望为甲公司融资。

(5) 2011年8月5日甲公司对外披露其半年度报告;8月9日临时董事会又就公司的股权激励方案形成了决议。




Caesar was right. Thin people need watching. I’’ve been watching them for most of my adult life, and I don’’t like what I see. When these narrow fellows spring at me, I quiver to my toes. Thin people come in all personalities, most of them menacing. You’’ve got your "together" in person, your mechanical thin person, your condescending thin purism, your tsk-tsk thin person, your efficiency-expert thin person. All of them are dangerous.In the first place, thin people aren’’t fun. They don’’t know how to goof off, at least in the best, fat sense of the word. They’’ve always got to be adoing. Give them a coffee break, and they’’ll jog around the block. Supple them with a quiet evening at home, and they’’ll fix the screen door and lick S & H green stamps. They say things like "there aren’’t enough hours in the day". Fat people never say that. Fat people think the day is too damn long already.Thin people make me tired. They’’ve got speedy little metabolisms that cause them to bustle briskly. They’’re forever rubbing their bony hands together and eyeing new problems to "tackle". I like to surround myself with sluggish, inert, easygoing fat people, the kind who believe that if you clean it up today, it’’ll just get dirty again tomorrow.Some people say the business about the jolly fat person is a myth, that all of us chubbies are neurotic, sick, sad people. I disagree. Fat people may not be chortling all day long, but they’’re a hell of a lot nicer than the wizened and shriveled. Thin people turn surly, mean, and hard at a young age because they never learn the value of a hot-fudge sundae for easing tension. Thin people don’’t like gooey soft things because they themselves are neither gooey nor soft. They are crunchy and dull, like carrots. They go straight to the heart of the matter while fat people let things stay all blurry and hazy and vague, the way things actually are. Thin people want to face the truth. Fat people know there is no truth. One of my thin friends is always staring at complex, unsolvable problems and saying, "The key thing is fat people never say that." They know there isn’’t any such thing as the key thing about anything.

According to the passage, the author likes being with those________.

A.fat people who are clumsy and slow in movement and gets fed up with those quick and sensitive thin people

B.thin people who are always energetic and active and those fat people, too, who are steady in the moves they take

C.fat people who are inactive and easily get jaded but hates to be among those thin people who are active and energetic

D.thin people who get rid of things quickly but feels sick of those fat people who are all thumbs
