
流行性腮腺炎的并发症有(). A.睾丸炎或卵巢炎 B.脑膜炎或脑脊髓膜炎 C.胰腺炎










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下列各项中,对故事情节叙述有误的两项是    (    )

A..赤壁之战后,周瑜为夺得刘备占领的荆州,假意要求借道去攻打西川,以便乘机夺取荆州,不料被孔明识破,兵败而回。后周瑜又向孙权献计,假意要将孙权之妹嫁与刘备,待刘备来东吴后逼其归还荆州。但在孔明安排下,东吴弄假成真,“赔了夫人”在刘备回国途中,周瑜又阻拦失败,因而“折兵”。周瑜因这“三气”而被气死。 (《三国演义》)

B.高家的丫头鸣凤,为了反抗被嫁孔教会长冯乐山的命运而投湖自尽。事后觉慧悲痛地来到湖边。觉民劝他忘汜此事,但觉慧却疯狂地拍打自己的胸膛,他认为自己是杀死鸣凤的凶手,认为自己的家庭和社会也都是凶手。经觉民的劝解,他不断地重复着“我是青年”,“我是青年”,语气由领悟而至怀疑而至坚定,显现了年轻人在悲惨现实前的觉醒。 (《家》)

C.妓院茶房想利用玛丝洛娃来窃取一个嫖客钱财,不知内情而又疲惫不堪的玛丝洛娃受茶房唆使,误将毒药当成安眠药放人嫖客杯中,致使该商人死去。玛丝洛娃既没有偷窃,也没有杀人的目的,但由于法官及陪审人员玩忽职守,法庭最后判玛丝洛娃被剥夺公民权利,并发往西伯利亚服苦役刑四年。这一内容显示了沙俄司法的腐败。 (《复活》)

D.克罗德曾是一个虔诚的教士,一度恪守禁欲主义教规,但爱斯梅拉达的出现在他死寂的心灵中引燃起熊熊的爱欲之火,他开始不停地跟踪爱斯梅拉达,指使加西莫多劫持她,并刺伤与之幽会的弗比斯,使爱斯梅拉达因而被捕和判罪。他气急败坏,一再重复“谁也别想得到她”,并最终使爱斯梅拉达遇害。但事后不久他也跳楼而死了。 (《巴黎圣母院》)E.有一天,堂·吉诃德和桑丘来到一处张灯结彩的村庄,原来是财主卡麻丘夺走了青年巴西琉的情人季德丽亚,正准备举行婚礼。此时巴西琉赶回,一边指责季德丽亚负心,一边拔剑刺人自己心窝。堂·吉诃德忙上前救护。巴西琉请求临死与季德丽亚举行婚礼,堂吉·诃德也帮忙说情。不料神父刚宣布他们为夫妻,巴西琉就好了。原来他受伤是假装的。    (《堂·吉诃德》)


I had just gone to bed after a very hard day when the phone rang. It was a strange farmer. I had never met him before although I had often heard people talk about him. He sounded quite nervous and he had been talking for a minute or so before I understood anything. Even then all I could make out was that someone called Milly had had a very bad accident. I really didn’t know who she was but I had to go.

It had been snowing heavily that day and I didn’t know the way. I had been driving for at least an hour when I finally found his place. He was standing there, waiting for me. It seemed that Milly had died. “She meant more to me than anyone even my own wife!” he said. I could see that he had been crying. I thought something terrible had taken place, a possible scandal(丑闻). I was even more surprised when he told me he had put her in the barn(厩). “I couldn’t leave her in the cold!” he said. Milly had clearly been a secret lover of his. I was about to tell him he could not expect me to cover anything up when he opened the barn door. He lifted his candle and I saw a dark figure on the ground.

“She was such a good cow! I wouldn’t let anyone except a doctor touch her!” he said and cried again.

60. The farmer wished that the writer might         .

A. look into the matter             B. bring Milly back to life

C. free him from a scandal          D. keep the whole thing a secret

61. The underlined phrase in the first paragraph means “       ”.

A. expect                               B. understand

C. see clearly                            D. hear clearly

62. Before he arrived at the farmer’s house, the writer expected to see Milly lying         .

A. on the ground of a barn          B. on the floor of a room

C. in bed in a room                D. in bed in a barn

63. What do we know about Milly for the story?

A. She had met with an accident.         B. She had caused a scandal.

C. She was seriously ill.            D. She was hidden somewhere.

64. The person who told the story is probably a        .

A. farmer                        B. policeman

C. country doctor                D. newspaper re5-6porter
