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What is it about maths, anyway? Why is it that a ___36___ who would rather die than ___37___ they found reading difficult at school will happily say he is brain-dead when it ___38___ to numbers?

“I was ___39___ at maths at school,” they say. “still am. Can’t ___40___ up to save my life. My little girl takes after____41___. Thinks take-aways are something to do with fish and chips. Ha-ha!” Oh, how we all laugh.

But how many of us remember it being ___42___ at the time? How many of us remember the blind panic of the Monday morning maths test when the ___43___ we could hope for was a miracle(奇迹) to make the numbers we ___44___ without thinking as answers somehow ___45___ the questions?

On the face of it, today’s children can ___46___ be considered happier and more satisfied. They have a daily numeracy lesson ___47___ to improving their maths skills. But if that sounds like hell to you, you may ___48__ find that your child surprises you by actually quite ___49__ it.

One of the __50___ is that over the last ten years or so, there has been a ___51___ in the way maths is taught. And many of those who teach it feel it’s been a ___52__ for the better. There’s generally much more emphasis now on __53___ arithmetic, getting children used to doing calculations without forever having a pen in one hand and a calculator in the other. Often the first question a teacher will ask is: can you do this in your___54___? And if they can, they do.

The whole approach is more___55___, the goal to get children understanding numbers, not just putting them through the uninteresting process of learning something by repeating it until they remember it.

36    A.    teacher    B.    parent     C.    pupil       D.    teenager

37    A.    understand      B.    admit      C.    observe   D.    pretend

38    A.    add  B.    relate      C.    comes     D.    reject

39    A.    good       B.    expert     C.    special     D.    rubbish

40    A.    add  B.    make       C.    look D.    pick

41    A.    stranger   B.    me   C.    herself     D.    somebody

42    A.    funny      B.    easy C.    attractive D.    remote

43    A.    worst      B.    prize       C.    best  D.    surprising

44    A.    missed     B.    lost  C.    found      D.    chose

45    A.    get   B.    foresee    C.    fit    D.    evaluate

46    A.    however  B.    frequently       C.    mostly     D.    hardly

47    A.    suggested B.    devoted   C.    intended  D.    adapted

48    A.    well B.    sometimes      C.    seldom    D.    extremely

49    A.    enjoying  B.    hating     C.    objecting D.    mastering

50    A.    consequences  B.    reasons    C.    findings   D.    incidents

51    A.    mistake   B.    program  C.    policy     D.    revolution

52    A.    preparation     B.    reputation       C.    requirement    D.    change

53    A.    difficult   B.    general    C.    mental     D.    basic

54    A.    class B.    head C.    textbook  D.    own

55    A.    logical     B.    unbelievable   C.    direct      D.    conservative


案例2 TNT 管理着惠普的11座仓库,每年的营业额约2600万美元。罗斯韦尔在其中占大部分。位于罗斯韦尔的工厂占地80万平方英尺。由于仓库和生产线是在同一处,所以这种经营又称为“同址”运营。目前在其他许多公司,零部件还需要在仓库和工厂间运来运去,既耗时又费钱。而在罗斯韦尔,配送零件通常只需一辆叉车跑一趟来回。接到要求提取某一零部件的提货单后,一名TNT 员工就会在排满了8000种库存产品的巨大货架上找到所要的零部件,然后更改库存记录,最后把零件送到组装线上。通常这只需要30分钟。但在过去,由于仓库和厂房遍布罗斯韦尔全城,运送一趟通常需要两到三个小时。节省的不仅是时间,而且是产品的损耗和破坏。 TNT 物流公司除了管理上千万美元的库存,还从惠普员工手中接过了运输管理业务,这在惠普公司历史上尚属首次。TNT 将过去众多的运输商减少为寥寥几家。其中Eagle 物流公司负责重型产品的国内空运,安邦快递公司则运送小部件, Schneider 公司、US Freightways、Con-Way 公司和联邦快递货运公司负责惠普国内运输的70%,Expeditors 公司承担亚洲地区的空运,并且是惠普在亚欧地区的货运代理,德迅公司(K&N)在欧洲空运中发挥作用。 TNT 从惠普手中拿到订单后,联系供应商,确保零部件能及时送到惠普的工厂,中间具体的运输过程就是承运商的事了。每周,TNT 都对每一条产品线上的国内和国际运输费用开出清单,这在惠普历史上也是从未有过的。仅仅是在与惠普合作的前6个月,TNT 就通过减少加急运输,为惠普节省了250万美元。另外, TNT 还通过减少运输商的使用、改变运输方式,帮惠普省下了400万美元。同时, TNT 还利用旧垫板,而不是像原来租用带垫板的面包车,这又为惠普在半年内省下了50万美元。过去,惠普要租赁大量飞机保证及时运输,但现在TNT 只在为了保证生产线继续运转的紧急情况下才使用空运,其余情况下都通过公路运输。 1.从案例分析中,你认为物流企业服务的基本内容有哪些 2.你认为TNT 提供的物流服务对惠普的竞争力而言,其作用体现在哪些方面
