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Passage Two

Running a School Book Stall
I assume that the desirability of a school book stall needs no urging. Many schools sell food and toys. If we do not sell books it is surely strange Many schools serve areas where book shops do not exist and the only books brought before children for buying are the dubious selections of supermarkets. Moreover even in communities where a good book shop is available the guidance which can be given at the book stall is valuable, as we soon found.
Essentially the school book stall is an extension of the encouragement and guidance in private reading which is part of the work of the English teacher. The first essential then, in setting up shop is a teacher particularly interested in children reading and in building up as wide as possible a knowledge of books to suit the school’s range of pupils.
Given the teacher, the next requirement is a bookseller willing to supply you. In some cases you will be able to obtain your books on credit, paying as you sell, but if the school can find a sum to purchase its stock, or at least a part of it, this is a great help.
Having found your supplier you then approach the Publisher’s Association for a Book Agent’s licence. The licence entitles you to a discount on your purchase through your chosen supplier, the usual discount being 10% with service. Service usually consists of delivery and a sale or return arrangement, the latter essential in allowing you to be enterprising and experimental in your stock. Without service a slightly higher discount is given but the former arrangement is clearly preferable.
The biggest, indeed the only considerable, cost in running the book stall is the occasional theft of a book and this may well vary from school to school but the presence of the teacher and the alertness of the assistants is largely deterrent, and the discount should cover this and any other smaller expenses. Browsing is essential. The books must be handled. You cannot keep them safe and immaculate behind glass.
For equipment the only essentials are some tables on which to display the books and a cupboard to store them in. Incidentally an arrangement of books with covers rather than spines visible seems to be vastly more attractive and accessible to children who have not the habit of browsing. A single way out past the cash desk is helpful to security and we record details of each purchase including the age of the buyer both for reordering and as interesting information on reading habits.
Initially we stocked two hundred titles and the selection has grown to close on a thousand. It is convenient if cash or credit allows you to have duplicate copies of popular titles. What is stocked must depend on the teacher in charge. What you are prepared to sell in the cause of encouraging interest in reading will obviously be an individual judgment. Sales for their own sake are in the school context obviously purposeful and the teacher needs to be able to explain to interested parents why he thought a given book valuable for a certain child.
There are always more offers of help from pupils than we can accept. The assistants serve, recommend, order, make posters and arrange displays. Some of the least able pupils have worked devotedly at the book stall.
Publicity is vital. We have two display cases on the school approach containing forty books changed fortnightly and they arouse a lot of interest. Teachers’ recommendations, book lists, beginnings of stories read to classes, do much. Some classes buy a book a week between them. The book stall is always open on such occasions as Parent’s Evenings.
We open twice a week in the lunch hour and we sell twenty to forty books a week, commercially not much but in our opinion well worth the effort.

The writer implies that the reason why a school needs a book stall is______.

A.because children always choose the wrong books

B.children find it difficult to choose books in a supermarket

C.because children only like strange books

D.children find it difficult to choose the fight books


打开考生文件夹下的Word文档WORD1.doc,其内容如下: [WORD1.doc文档开始] 8086/8088 CPU的最大漠视和最小漠视 为7尽可能适应各种各样的工作场合,8086/8088CPU设置于两种工作漠视,即最大漠视和最小漠视。 所谓最小漠视,就是在系统中只有8086/8088一个微处理器。在这种系统中,所有的总线控制信号都直接由8086/8088CPU产生,因此,系统的总线控制电路被减到最少。这些特征就是最小漠视名称的由来。 最大漠视是相对最小漠视而言的。最大漠视用在中等规模的或者大型的8086/8088系统中。在最大漠视中,总是包含有两个或多个微处理器,其中一个主处理器就是8086/8088,其他的处理器称为协处理器,它们是协助主处理器工作的。 [WORD1.doc文档结束] 按要求对文档进行编辑、排版和保存。 (1) 将文中所有错词“漠视”替换为“模式”;将标题段(“8086/8088 CPU的最大模式和最小模式”:的中文设置为黑体,英文设置为Arial Black字体、红色、四号,字符间距加宽2磅,标题段居中。 (2) 将正文各段文字(“为了……协助主处理器工作的。”)的中文设置为五号仿宋GB2312,英文设置为五号Arial字体;各段落左右各缩进1个字符,段前间距0.5行。 (3) 正文第一段(“为了……模式。”)首字下沉2行、距正文0.1cm;为正文第二段(“所谓最小模式……名称的由来。”)和第三段(“最大模式……协助主处理器工作的。”)分别添加编号1)、2);以原文件名保存文档。
