
机器的功率一般是指()。 A.总功率 B.输出功率 C.有效功率 D.额定功率









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参考答案:D解析:恐缩症,又称缩阳症或缩阴症,是以恐惧生殖器缩入体内致死的恐怖焦虑发作为特征的一种与文化相关的综合征。患者极度害怕自己的生殖器等缩入腹内(或 * * 内缩)而死亡,为此,表现为极度焦虑、紧...



One day , Wilson was walking quietly along the road when someone hit him hard on the back of his neck. He looked behind him, and saw a young man whom he had never seen before.

“How dare you hit me like that?” shouted Wilson.

The young man said he had mistaken Wilson for a friend of his and that he thought Wilson was making a lot of noise about nothing.

This insult (侮辱) made Wilson even angrier, of course, and he at once decided to bring the young man before a judge.

Now, the judge, who heard the case was a friend of the young man's father's, and, although he pretended to be quite fair, he was thinking about what he could do to protect the young man from being punished while at the same time not to be appearing unfair.

Finally he said to Wilson, “I understand your feelings in this matter very well. Would you be satisfied if I let you hit the young man as he hit you?”

Wilson said he would not be. The young man had insulted him and should be properly punished.

“Well, then,” said the judge to the young man, “I order you to pay ten coins to Wilson.”

Ten coins was very little for such a crime, but the young man did not have it with him, so the judge allowed him to go and get it.

Wilson waited for him to return with the money. He waited an hour, and then two hours, while the judge took care of other business.

When it was nearly time for the court to close, Wilson chose a moment when the judge was especially busy, came up quietly and hit him hard on the back of the neck. Then he said to him, “I am sorry, but I can’t wait any longer. When the young man comes back, tell him that I have passed my right to the ten coins on to you.”

52. Why did the young man hit Wilson from behind?

A. Wilson had hit him before.      

B. He had mistaken Wilson for a friend of his.

C. Wilson was a stranger there.    

D. Wilson made a lot of noise when he was walking.

53. The judge thought about how to protect the young man because

A. he thought it a small matter 

B. as a judge, he should be fair

C. he thought the man too young to be punished

D. the young man was his friend’s son

54. According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?

A. The young man was ordered to hit himself as hard as he had done on Wilson.

B Wilson was allowed to hit the young man as hard as he had done.

C. Wilson was allowed to do more insulting on the young man.

D. The young man was ordered to hand a lot of money to Wilson.

55. The best title for this passage is ________.

A. I’ve passed my right on to you    B. The judge and Wilson

C. Wilson and the young man             D. The young man was set free


1.党的十六大报告指出,经过全党和全国人民的共同努力,我们胜利实现了现代化建设“三步走”战略的第一步、第二步目标,人民生活总体上达到小康水平。但必须看到,我国正处于并将长期处于社会主义初级阶段,现在达到的小康还是低水平的、不全面的、发展很不平衡的小康,人民日益增长的物质文化需要同落后的社会生产之间的矛盾依然是我国社会的主要矛盾。2.我们要在本世纪头20年,集中力量,全面建设惠及十几亿人口的更高水平的小康社会,使经济更加发展、民主更加健全、科教更加进步、文化更加繁荣、社会更加和谐、人民生活更加殷实。3.这是实现现代化建设第三步战略目标必须的承上启下的发展阶段,也是完善社会主义市场经济体制和扩大对外开放的关键阶段。经过这个阶段的建设,再继续奋斗几十年,到本世纪中叶基本实现现代化。4.全面建设小康社会,实现现代化是一个全局的概念,而不是指某一个局部,更不是特指东部某些发达省份。5.中国西部地区地域广大,占全国国土面积的71%左右,人口占全国总人口的28%,少数民族人口占少数民族总人口的75%,所以,加快西部地区发展,对于保持西部地区的政治稳定、社会稳定,促进民族团结和保障边疆安全具有重大意义。没有西部地区的稳定就没有全国的稳定,没有西部地区的小康就没有全国的小康,没有西部地区的现代化就不能说实现了全国的现代化。6.西部大开发是一项宏大的系统工程,既关系广阔国土的开发,又涉及多民族的生产和生活,既要推进经济建设,又要实现经济、资源、人口、文化、环境的协调发展,工作千头万绪,很复杂也很艰巨。7.西部地区的社会主义建设明显落后于东部地区,广大西部地区(包括云南省)还处于社会主义初级阶段的低层次,生产力落后,人民群众的收入还很低,人民生活仍然很困难,还有相当一部分人没有真正解决温饱问题。如云南省还有400 余万贫困人口,占全省总人口的近1/10。8.2000年,全国人均国内生产总值达到854美元,西部地区只有525美元。从城市化水平看,1999年东部地区为34%,中部地区为30.7%,西部地区只有23.5%。从消费能力看,东部地区人均社会消费品零售总额为3786元,中部地区为2940元,西部地区仅有1482元。全国592个贫困县,西部就有307个。9.西部12个省区市中有9个财政收不抵支,大多数少数民族地区靠国家财政补贴过日子。而且不少地区,连工资也保证不了,寅吃卯粮,拖欠工资现象非常普遍。10.全面建设小康社会,最根本的是坚持以经济建设为中心,不断解放和发展生产力,缩小地区差别、城乡差别,缩小两极分化,实现共同富裕,这也是社会主义本质的要求。三、申论要求(以下均在答题纸上作答,在本卷或草稿纸上作答无效)

