
阅读下列材料,回答下列问题。(23分) 材料一:鸦片战争后,通商口岸的洋布洋装逐




材料一:鸦片战争后,通商口岸的洋布洋装逐渐进入城市居民生活。辛亥革命期间,青年学生率先剪掉象征清王朝的辫子,表示反对封建专制的决心,经过改制的中山装受到维新人士的欢迎。20世纪20、30年代,服饰有了更大变化。在服装变化中,穿洋装是一大时尚,这不能简单地归于崇洋的倾向。民主制的确立激励了人们对西方民主社会的向往,人们醉心自由平等,天赋 * * 的思想,认为由这种思想建立的生活方式代表社会的前进方向,洋装是文明的象征,受到人们的喜爱。社会实践的结果是,洋装在中国的流行,并未取代中国服装,而是促进了中国服装的改良。中山装的出现,就是中西合璧的产物。它以西服为模本,改大翻领为立领,四个贴口袋,五个扣。女性服装一改宽大直筒式的满装,依照西方的人体曲线美加以剪裁,演变成今日的旗袍。这都是沿用西式服装的审美和价值观念,结合中国传统的某些形制而创作的新服饰,可谓西体中用最成功之作。一些先进的思想家们把个人安排生活的自由视为个体自由不可分割的一部分,是神圣不可侵犯的个 * * 力。个性解放的呼声与商品经济的发展,刺激了人们的生活欲望,在穿着打扮上追新求异,西装革履,长袍马褂,真正开始了服装自由穿着的时代。


材料二:新中国成立后,人民生活得到逐步改善。20世纪50年代人们根据中山装和列宁装的特点设计出“人民装”,大家都可以穿这种服装为时尚。被称为“老三套”的中山装、青年装和军装占据着服装界的主流。由此,我国服饰用色上的蓝、灰、黑局面也就形成了。20世纪60年代初,人们对服饰的要求是偏重坚实耐穿,在色彩的选择上也偏向耐脏耐洗的颜色,蓝、灰、黑三色在服饰上占有的地位更是巩固了。随着10年 * * 的深入展开,由于“破四旧”及“批判小资产阶级情调”,原有的服饰被大量删削废止,如连衣裙、高跟鞋、夹克衫、旗袍等就几乎没有人再穿用。在红卫兵运动影响下迅速升温的集草绿色军服军帽、宽皮带、毛 * * 像章、红色语录本、草绿色帆布挎包等于一身的典型的红卫兵装扮可谓盛极一时。这期间“老三色”(蓝、灰、黑)随处可见,所谓的“不爱红装爱武装”就是这时期服饰特点的写照。











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参考答案:B, C, E解析:泪膜的黏蛋白层由结膜杯状细胞、结膜和角膜上皮共同分泌。基底部分嵌入角结膜上皮细胞的微绒毛之间,降低表面张力,使疏水的上皮细胞变为亲水,黏蛋白层还可以粘附营养因子、白细胞和细...


It is clear that we are rapidly becoming a global culture. New forms of information technology, intercontinental travel, and the complex nature of economics are all elements in such a change. Japan, an ancient (1) culture, now dominates the West economically while its own traditional (2) is rapidly becoming (3) in the process.
It does not take a great deal of analysis to see the vast interchanges of cultural influences in the world today. The thirst for (4) fashions, popular music, and the other elements of consumer culture (5) great inroads in non-Western lands while the West seeks out everything from the religious traditions of the Ease (6) the art and music these countries produce. In the field of (7) , to cite one conspicuous example, contemporary readers seek books (8) those of the West. Latin American authors, as well as those from Africa, Asia, and India, now find appreciative audiences.
A (9) culture does not mean a unitary or "one world" culture. It does mean that people are increasingly aware of the diversity of culture. World events enter our living rooms so that things that may once have been (10) of as distant (11) now greet us immediately and in color. We may watch those events on a television made in Japan while wearing clothes sewn in Thailand and shoes made in Hungary while snacking (12) food grown in Mexico. Such an economic interdependence reflects the reality of a global banking system, the globalization of the economy, and the increasing (13) of information and information technologies.
(14) has this shrinking of distances (and attitudes) become more clear than in the academic debates over what constitutes a liberal (15) education today. Is it possible (or desirable) to have the Western core of humanities (16) the center-piece of a curriculum The place of non-Western and non-traditional cultures as part of the general (17) of a student is hotly argued in educational circles. The very fact of that discussion (18) to the emergence of a global consciousness with a continued shrinking of parochial attitudes. The (19) that such globalization is hotly debated only emphasizes the profound nature of the (20) taking place in our culture.
