
如图是探究通过导体的电流与电阻关系的实验电路图,电源电压为6V。 (1)下表是





实验条件:保持电阻R两端的电压U="4" V不变




(3)在某次实验中,更换一个阻值更大的电阻后,电压表的示读数将_______4V (选填“大于”、“小于”或“等于”),此时应将滑动变阻器的滑片向_____端移动(选填“A”或“B”),以符合实验条件。


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答案:D题目分析:从本题中“海监 * * 编队赴南海中国主张管辖海域进行定期巡航,履行海洋巡航 * * 执法的神圣职责。”可看出这是国家对主权的维护,体现了对海洋的管辖。故新闻可以撰写的恰当标题是宣示主权,体现...



How to Release Anger the Right Way

Anger is a feeling that many of us know all too well. Some of us experience it daily,   1  others hold on to it for years at a time. As you likely know, angry is not a healthy   2   . Over time it can become self-destructive,   3  relationships and even your health.

This is not to say that anger is always a   4   thing—anger is a natural part of living;it is a   5    that something is wrong. If anger is not a   6   normal and natural human emotion, it is   7  important to learn and understand how to   8   anger the right way.

You can release anger the right or the wrong way.    9    whether you have an anger problem yourself or not, it is   10    for everyone to understand what the right   11   of releasing anger are. Transforming anger is a powerful   12 to take that will create positive changes in our relationships. One of the best ways to   13  anger is to give yourself the   14  to express anger. In fact, it is quite   15   to express your anger as long as you do it   16   .

Remember that anger management   17  both on mental and physical effort. Although mental therapy alone will help you   18    for releasing your anger, it can only take you so far. The same   19  for exercise too. However, if you   20  both mental therapy and exercising, you will then have   21   to an unbelievable positive solution. Do a particular physical activity   22   the mental intention of releasing your anger.

It might be   23  but the most important things of all to   24   is to never hurt others when you release your anger. Make sure you give yourself the   25  to express safely your anger, without hurting anyone else .

1.A.when                      B.while                     C.but                 D.However

2.A.life                        B.feeling            C.happiness        D.emotion

3.A.reflecting                B.ruining           C.limiting           D.satisfying

4.A.bad                         B.good               C.ordinary         D.especial

5.A.appearance           B.mark              C.signal              D.gesture

6.A.unbelievable           B.completely      C.incompletely   D.carefully

7.A.whatever                 B.how                C.much              D.however

8.A.release                    B.relax               C.obsorb            D.influence

9.A.Instead of                B.Except for       C.Regardless of D.As a consequence of

10.A.important              B.common          C.hard               D.easy

11.A.answers                 B.messages         C.ways              D.actions

12.A.step                   B.right               C.attitude          D.chance

13.A.shift                         B.change            C.transfer          D.transform

14.A.permission            B.application     C.affection         D.admission

15.A.painful                  B.happy             C.healthy          D.succeeful

16.A.confidently            B.correctly          C.gradually        D.separately

17.A.requires                 B.relies              C.lacks               D.decline

18.A.attentively                 B.specially          C.absolutely       D.tremendously

19.A.arranges                B.reaches           C.prepares         D.applies

20.A.control                  B.join                C.separate          D.combine

21.A.access                   B.approach        C.admission    D.contact 

22.A.in conflict with      B.rather than     C.along with      D.in place of

23.A.simple                    B.obvious          C.unrealistic       D.appropriate

24.A.answer                  B.remember       C.repeat             D.listen

25.A.opportunity           B.necessity         C.probability     D.reality
