



根据联合国安理会有关决议,自2008年12月20日起,中国政府已五次派军舰到海盗活动猖獗的亚丁湾和索马里海域参加对过往商船的护航。我国参加护航行动 [ ]










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Castle Fire

Winton Castle was damaged in a fire last night. The fire, which was discovered at about 9 o’clock, spread very quickly. Nobody was injured but two people had been rescued from the upstairs room. A number of paintings are believed to have been destroyed. It isn’t known how the fire started.

Shop Robbery

In Paxham yesterday a shop assistant was forced to hand over 500 pounds after being threatened by a man with a knife. The man escaped in a car which had been stolen earlier in the day. The car was later found in a car park where it had been thrown away by the thief. A man has been arrested in connection with the robbery and is still being questioned by the police.

Road Delays

Repair work started yesterday on the Paxham-Longworth road. The road is being resurfaced and there will be long delays. Drivers are asked to choose another way if possible. The work is expected to last two weeks. Next Sunday the road will be closed and traffic will be diverted(改道).


A woman was taken to hospital after her car collided with a truck near Norstock yesterday. She was allowed home later after treatment. The road was blocked for an hour after the accident and to be diverted. A police inspector said afterwards, “The woman was lucky. She could have been killed.”

64. As a result of the accident yesterday, _________.

A. a lot of valuable things were broken        B. five hundred pounds and a car were lost

C. the traffic had to be diverted               D. a woman didn’t survive the accident

65. The man who directly joined in the robbery ________.

A. was still being questioned by the police      B. hasn’t been arrested ye

C. had escaped in a car earlier in the day        D. is being controlled by the police

66. What do you know about the Paxham-Longworth road?

A. An accident happened there and the traffic was diverted.

B. Another road was open for the drivers during the road repairs.

C. The surface of the road needed repairing for two weeks.

D. The road was blocked for an hour after a traffic accident.

67. Which of the following may be the title of the passage?

A. Brief News Report                       B. Unexpected Accidents

C. What Has Happened Recently              D. Important happenings
