
2010年5月17至19日,党中央、国务院在北京召开新疆工作座谈会,胡 * * * *



2010年5月17至19日,党中央、国务院在北京召开新疆工作座谈会,胡 * * * * 指出,新疆要紧紧抓住机遇,坚持一手抓改革发展,一手抓团结稳定。这样做(   )










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Garbage is unwanted or unusable materials. As long as there are people on the planet,there will be garbage Garbage is directly linked to human development,both technologically and socially.The composition of waste has yared Over time and location,with industrlal development.Examples of this include plastics.Some garbage has economical value and can be recycled once correctly recovered.

For most of us, "out of sight,out of mind": throw it away and it`s gone.But imagine what really happens to all the rubbish the world throws away.Now suddenly,the government is worried about mountains of garbage piling up with no place to put them all.

China`s increasing prosperity and urbanlsm create tons of garbage since the 1980s,causing tons of trouble.The amount of paper,plastic and other garbage has increased more than three times in two decades to about 300 million tons a year.As busy families are shifting from fresh to packaged foods,more garbage is expected.

There are also a huge number of people who go through the garbage to find anything that can be of value and recycled!The recycling is carried out every day when peope come to your house to take away your newspapers and cardboard,plastic and metal items.Every neighborhood has a garbage point.Take a train trip and there are recycling yards all along the tracks in every city. Food waste is collected by farmers to feed animals.

Even though we make an effort to recycle our solid waste,the amount of waste keeps increasing each year.Our biggest problem is where to put the solid waste and how to keep it from polluting our environment.If the solid waste is disposed incorrectly,it can pollute earth`s surface an underground water supplies.Currently,Our municipal waste goes to landfills or garbage dumps.

The waste must be treated to keep rats,flies and other anlmas from building their homes in the landfills.The treatrment also prevents the growth of bacteria that carry diseases.

The government knows such garbage disposal(处理)will always draw complaints.What they need to do is invest more money into bullding and maintaining better evelironment.

66. In the eyes of the author,________.

A.garbage should all be thrown away

B.garbage can all be recycled for its economical value

C.every kind of garbage has its practical value

D.garbage is closely related to the prrogress of society

67.From the second paragraph we can infer that_________.

A.throwing away rubbish is the only way at present

B.mountains of rubbish appear everywhere

C.the government has trouble dealing with rubbish

D.lanudfill treatment is the best way at present

68. In the 1980s,the amount of garbage was estimated about _______.

A.300 million tons                      B.200 million tons

C.100 million tons               D.50 million tons

69. The attitude of the author towards recycling waste is

A.unfriendly    B.objective     C.supportive      D.disappointed

70. What will be talked about after the last paragraph?

A.The government will respond to the people`s complaints.

B.Proper ways to deal with rubbish will be found.

C.The government will take measures to control the public.

D.The rubbish mountains will be removed.



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甲丙之间的专利权转让合同的生效日期为( )。




