
阅读理解。 One of my closest friends has a f




     One of my closest friends has a family tradition that I quite like, and I've been slowly trying

to implement(实施) in my own family. Basically, each year after Thanksgiving dinner, all of the

people sit around in the living room and each person takes a few minutes and talks about the

thing they are most thankful about over the last year. Everyone in the family takes the question

seriously and answers it honestly, giving thanks for what really matters and adds value to their life.

     This is something I've actually thought about a lot in the last year, and I really came up with

two things, one obvious and one not so much.

     The first one, obviously, is the conception and birth and healthiness of my daughter. She's a

healthy, happy twomonthold baby who smiles a lot and very much enjoys sitting on her dad's lap.

I am so thankful for having this wonderful baby in my life, and thankful that she has the gift of

good health.

     The second one isn't my financial turnaround (as some of you might have expected-that was

what I was most thankful for last year). Instead, I am thankful for the discovery of the value of

writing in my life. A year ago, The Simple Dollar was only a few weeks old and was far from

popular yet-according to my data, on Thanksgiving Day last year I had about 60 subscribers.

The process of writing was bringing me enjoyment. This past year showed me otherwise, and I

am deeply thankful for it. After thinking about it for a while, I began to realize that it is a very

powerful and wonderfully positive exercise. You spend time reflecting deeply on the positives in

your life, and you often realize that even when things are bad, you do have lots to be thankful for

because there is a lot of good in your life, and it can shine a bright light even in a dark spot in your

life. I hope to repeat this each year on Thanksgiving, because it brought forth a pretty strong joy in

my life today.

1. What does the family tradition mentioned in the first paragraph refer to? 

A. Having Thanksgiving dinner together.

B. Enjoying the warm family atmosphere together.

C. Talking about the things they appreciate most.

D. Talking about their attitude towards future life.

2. The author is thankful for the fact that ________. 

A. she has a happy and healthy baby

B. her daughter likes playing with her dad

C. her daughter makes her dull life full of fun

D. her daughter is losing weight

3. It can be inferred from the passage that ________.  

A. the author keeps doing exercise to strengthen her body

B. the author once suffered financial difficulty

C. the author will not go on writing until she discovers the value of writing

D. writing has made the author known nationwide

4. According to the last paragraph, what does the author realize?

A. People should have low expectation.

B. People should find a suitable career.

C. People should reflect on their mistakes.

D. People should hold a positive attitude.


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2001年4月,王强与李芳结婚,双方户籍均在甲市A区。2003年4月,双方在甲市B区共同经营一家个体商店,商店营业执照上标明业主为王强。2003年6月,双方因感情不和而离婚,商店由李芳经营。 2003年7月,该商店与乙市B区来运食品厂签订一份食品供应合同,合同约定食品厂负责送货上门,商店收货后两个月内付款。2003年7月底,来运食品厂将合同中约定的食品运至甲市C区,商店接受了货物。后来商店以食品厂的该批货物价格高于当时的市场价格,食品厂应当减少价款为由拒绝付款,双方发生纠纷。纠纷协商过程中,食品厂法定代表人林芸见商店清仓甩卖商品,就于2003年11月向甲市B区人民法院申请扣押商店内的部分财产,并随即向甲市C区人民法院起诉,且聘请律师蔡刚全权代理此案。诉讼过程中,林芸希望双方达成调解,就指示蔡刚主动承认其货物价格确实稍高于市场价格,但双方仍就价款问题达不成一致意见。后来法院作出判决,判决商店偿还所欠的5 000元货款,蔡某当庭表示不上诉,商店也不上诉。判决生效后,商店无力偿还欠款,但食品厂发现商店对渐鸿商店享有5 000元的到期债权,于是申请法院执行该到期债权。



