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    If you know how to study a glass of wine, it can tell you about its history. Studying a wine involves using

several senses, not just taste.

    First, pour the wine into a glass and look at it. Color can tell a lot about the kind of grapes, where the wine

is from and its age. Look at the clarity, thickness and color of the wine.

    A white wine might be almost colorless, or it could have a deep golden color.White wines go darker with

age. White wine made from grapes grown in a cool climate is often paler, with a higher amount of acid (酸).

A white wine from grapes grown in a warmer climate is often yellower, with less acid, though there are

exceptions to this rule.

    The color of red wine can be purplish red to brick red. Red wines often become paler with age. Red wines

grown in warmer climates often have deeper color than those grown in cooler climates.

    Next, turn the glass so that the wine moves around inside. This brings air into the wine, so that it releases

its smell. Smell the wine deeply. A wine's smell is actually more telling than its taste. To use a wine term, what

can you learn about the wine from its "nose"? Is the wine fruity? Does it smell like oak? Do you smell grass or

maybe honey? Maybe the smell is like butter or a mineral. It may be complex or intense.

    Now it is time to taste the wine. Move it around in your mouth. You may recognize some tastes because

you identify them while smelling the wine. You can also consider the wine's sweetness and its sharpness, or

acidity. You may note the taste of tannin. Tannins are chemicals that are found in the skin and seeds of grapes.

They are also found in tea. Tannins taste bitter and seem to coat your mouth. To make a good wine requires a

balance between sugar, acidity, tannin and alcohol.

    Many wine experts can identify the kind of wine without ever seeing the label on the bottle. This is because

they know the qualities of the look, smell and taste of a wine.

1. According to the passage, a red wine with a lighter color might be the wine _____.[ ]

A. that has a lower amount of acid

B. that is grown in cooler climates

C. that is not good wine

D. that is grown in warmer climates

2. By looking at the color of the wine, experts _____.[ ]

A. can know whether the wine tastes good or not

B. can know whether the wine is made from grapes

C. can know whether the wine has a long or short history

D. can know whether the wine has a good color

3. Paragraph 5 suggests the followings except that _____.[ ]

A. A wine can have different kinds of smells

B. A wine's smell can't give any meaningful information about the wine

C. You can't smell the wine properly if you don't turn the glass

D. A wine might not smell like wine

4. In tasting wine, one needs to pay attention to _____.[ ]

A. how sweet it tastes

B. how sharp it tastes

C. how bitter it tastes

D. all of the above

5. How many senses are involved in studying a glass of wine according to the passage? [ ]

A. One

B. Two

C. Three

D. Four


王某和林某是生意上的死对头,由于林某从中作梗致使王某损失近百万元。王某对此十分恼火,遂出资5万元雇佣张某去除掉林某。张某答应了此事,回到家后将欲杀林某的情况告诉其妻陈某,陈某不仅不加制止,而a积极为其出谋划策,帮张某买来一把尖刀用于杀林某。在陈某的帮助下,张某作了充分准备,于某晚潜人林某的家中,当时林某不在家。张某见林某妻子正在床上睡觉,顿起歹意,就把其强 * * 了。等到林某同家,又将林某杀死。

下列说法正确的是:( )



C.犯罪嫌疑人宋某(15周岁)涉嫌强 * * 罪,

D.犯罪嫌疑人薛某系某公交公司驾驶员,一日因违章驾驶造成特大交通事故,于 2007年3月1日被检察院以交通肇事罪起诉到人民法院,因其家庭较为困难,薛某所在的公交公司推荐单位的工作人员黄某为其辩护人,并由薛某在委托书上签厂字,人民法院表示同意
