
关于医疗机构从业人员行为规范的实施与监督,下列哪个说法不准确:() A.医疗机构行政

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材料一 贝多芬的《英雄交响曲》标志着欧洲音乐历史中具有重要社会政治意义的题材第一次进入交响曲这』音乐领域。1802年,贝多芬开始动手写作献给拿破仑的《第三交响曲》。但是正当他准备献给拿破仑时,拿破仑称帝的消息传到了堆也纳。贝多芬得知速个消息后非常气愤,放弃了将《第三交响曲》献给拿破仑的想法。并将《第三交响曲》改名为《英雄交响曲》,“为纪念一位伟人而作的英雄交响曲”。

材料二 《黄河大舍喝》是冼星海最重要的和影响最大的一部代表作,创作于1939 年3月。其第七部分是《保卫黄河》:风在吼,马在叫,黄河在咆哮,簧河在咆哮。河西山岗万丈高,河东河北高粱熟了。万山丛中,抗日英雄真不少!青纱帐里,游击健儿逞英豪!端起了姗洋枪,挥动着大刀长矛,保卫家乡!保卫黄河!保卫华北!保卫全中国!这是一部反映中 * * 解放运动的专乐史诗。它不仅在敌后战场,而且在国统区也广为传唱。许多八路军和国民竞军队的抗日将士高唱《黄河大合唱》奔甸奄敌战’场·并为当代进行现代化建设的中国人民留下了宝贵的音乐遗产。
















In Plato’s Utopia, here are three classes: the common people, the soldiers, and the guardians chosen by the legislator. The main problem, as Plato perceives, is to insure that the guardians shall carry out the intention of the legislator. For this purpose the first thing he proposes is education.

Education is divided into two parts, music and gymnastics. (46)Each has a wider meaning than at present: “music” means everything that is in the province of the muses, and “gymnastics” means everything concerned with physical training fitness. “Music” is almost as wide as what is now called “culture”, and “gymnastics” is somewhat wider than what “athletics” mean in the modern sense.

Culture is to be devoted to making men gentlemen, in the sense which, largely owing to Plato, is familiar in England. The Athens of his day was, in one respect, analogous to England in the nineteenth century: (47) there was in each an aristocracy enjoying wealth and social prestige, but having no monopoly of political power; and in each the aristocracy had to secure as much power as it could by means of impressive behavior. In Plato’s Utopia, however, the aristocracy rules unchecked.

Gravity, decorum and courage seem to be the qualities mainly to be cultivated in education. (48)There is to be a rigid censorship from very early years over the literature to which the young have access and the music they are allowed to hear. Mothers and nurses are to tell their children only authorized stories. Also, there is a censorship of music. The Lydian and Ionian harmonies are to be forbidden, the first because it expresses sorrow, the second because it is relaxed. (49)Only the Dorian (for courage) and the Phrygian (for temperance) are to be allowed, and permissible rhythms must be simple, and such as are expressive of a courageous and harmonious life.

As for gymnastics, the training of the body is to be very austere. No one is to eat fish, or meat cooked otherwise than roasted, and there must be no sauces or candies. People brought up on his regimen, he says, will have no need of doctors. Gymnastics applies to the training of mind as well. Up to a certain age, the young are to see no ugliness or vice. (50)But at a suitable moment, they must be exposed to “enchantments”, both in the shape of terrors that must not terrify, and of bad pleasures that must not seduce the will. Only after they have withstood these tests will they be judged fit to be guardians.

(47) there was in each an aristocracy enjoying wealth and social prestige, but having no monopoly of political power; and in each the aristocracy had to secure as much power as it could by means of impressive behavior.
