



某制药公司2001年度实现产品销售收入5800万元,其他业务收入200万元;应扣除的产品销售成本5000万元,发生产品销售费用280万元(其中广告费用150万元、业务宣传费用40万元)、财务费用128万元、管理费用490万元(其中业务招待费30万元、不含坏账准备金);应上缴增值税60万元、营业税10万元、城市维护建设税和教育费附加7万元;直接向灾区受灾单位捐款5万元、红十字事业捐款10万元,通过国家规定的非营利的社会团体向老年服务机构捐款20万元、青少年活动场所捐款8万元;年末“应收账款”、“应收票据”账户的借方分别载有未收回的货款金额100万元(含关联企业20万元)、30万元,该公司提取坏账准备金的比例为5‰;公司年平均职工人数295人(含医务室、托儿所人员5人),当地政府确定的人均月计税工资标准为800元,全年直接计入各项成本、费用中的实发工资总额300万元,由福利费支付的医务室、托儿所人员工资6万元,均按规定的比例计提了职工工会经费、职工福利费、职工教育经费;12月20日从经济特区联营的外商投资企业分回税后利润74万元,联营企业适用所得税税率15%(当年享受了定期减半征收的税收优惠)、地方所得税税率3%;12月下旬分别从A、B两国分支机构取得税后收益52万元、35万元,A、B两国企业所得税税率分别为35%、30%。 根据上述资料,依据企业所得税的有关规定,回答下列相关问题:







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     Nowadays everybody seems to think that they know English. Many people speak it but few speak it

really well. Practice is essential in speaking English well.

     Reading is one of the things that will help you to speak English better. Read whenever you can and

whatever you like! Read papers and visit Internet sites that you like in English every day. Gradually, you

will see that the number of known words is increasing and you are able to speak with more skills. Then you will have made the foundations (基础) and a good basis of English. It is not advisable to stop and get

stuck there.

     Going to England or an English-speaking country is a good choice, but many people cannot afford it. If you cannot go, reading and speaking with your friends will also help you to practice your English.

However, I think that it is very good to visit some English-speaking country to see and test your

knowledge in everyday life. You will feel the everyday usage of the language in its natural environment.

There your level of English is going to improve even faster. Your ability to speak English is better. Nothing can match the excitement and happiness when a native speaker tells you that your English is very good!

     Finally, in order to speak English well, you must be persistent (坚持的) and do it every day. It is like

playing the piano. Pianists play it every day and so should you. Practice, practice! Read, write and improve your language skills and you are on your way when you will be able to speak it with more and more

confidence! Let it be fun and entertaining!

1. According to the text, what may make the author excited?

A. Reading papers and visiting Internet sites.        

B. Having a good basis of English.

C. Going to an English-speaking country.    

D. A native speaker's praise.

2. What does the author suggest doing about reading?

A. Trying to enlarge your vocabulary.        

B. Keeping on reading when you have time.

C. Stopping when you have a good basis of English.

D. Looking up every unknown word when reading.

3. In the author's eyes, the essential way to improve your speaking skill is      .

A. practicing  

B. going abroad

C. reading  

D. writing

4. What does speaking English have common with playing the piano?

A. Both need much practice.          

B. Both are fun and entertaining.

C. Both need great confidence.        

D. Both need good teachers.

5. Which of the following could be the best title of the text?

A. How to improve your language skills

B. How to speak English well

C. Speaking English      

D. Practice, practice!
