




材料二:新形势下推进农村改革发展,要以邓 * * 理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导,深入贯彻落实科学发展观,按照“生产发展、生活宽裕、乡风文明、村容整洁、管理民主”的要求,把建设社会主义新农村作为战略任务,把走中国特色农业现代化道路作为基本方向,把加快形成城乡经济社会发展一体化新格局作为根本要求,坚持工业反哺农业、城市支持农村的方针,加强农业基础,增加农民收入,保障农民权益,促进农村和谐,推动农村经济社会又好又快发展。

材料三:党的十七届五中全会审议通过《中 * * 关于制定国民经济和社会发展第十二个五年规划的建议》明确提出:未来五年“让城乡居民收入普遍较快增加”的发展目标,并首次提出要“努力实现居民收入增长和经济发展同步、劳动报酬增长和劳动生产率同步”。这意味着未来五年我国将从追求“国富”转向更加追求“民富”,让老百姓更充分地分享经济社会发展的成果。








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     Mary Somerville was born in 1780 in Burntisland, Scotland. Her contribution to mathematics was in both

algebra (代数) and differential and integral calculus (微积分学).

     Mary was one of the world's first famous female mathematicians. She became interested in mathematics

and decided to study it at the time when it was considered unacceptable for a woman to do so. She bought

books on algebra and geometry and read them at night. In spite of disapproval from people around her, she

firmly went on with her struggle to learn. She won a prize for her solution to an algebra problem. She went

on to write several books on mathematics. Later in her life, she thought deeply about the years in which she

had persevered (坚持) almost without hope and said, "It taught me never to lose heart."

     Mary's way of learning remains useful today. If she worked for a while on a problem without coming up

with an idea, she stopped working and turned her attention to the piano, her needlework, or a walk outdoors.

She then returned to the problem with a fresh mind and a solution turned up. If she could not understand a

passage while reading, she would forget about it and read on; several pages later, the meaning of the puzzling

passage would become clear to her.

1. Why did Mary decide to study math?

A. Because she found math interesting and wanted to study it.

B. Because she was one of the world's first famous female mathematicians.

C. Because it was not considered acceptable for a woman to study math.

D. Because she was bored and had nothing to do.

2. What does the underlined word "disapproval" in Paragraph 2 mean in this text?

A. Disagreement.

B. Agreement.

C. Support.

D. Discovery.

3. What is the main idea of the third paragraph?

A. Mary could solve any difficult math problem easily.

B. Mary was, without doubt, a famous female mathematician.

C. Mary had some useful ways to deal with difficulties in her work.

D. Mary's ways to overcome difficulties were not effective.

4. According to the passage, if you have been puzzled by a math problem, you'd better ____.

A. keep working on it until it is solved

B. just forget about the problem

C. turn to your math teacher for help

D. listen to light music for a while and then continue working on it
