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参考答案:A, C, D


(2004年)   四、(本题20分)   案情:位于某市甲区的天南公司与位于乙区的海北公司签订合同,约定海北公司承建天南公司位于丙区的新办公楼,合同中未约定仲裁条款。新办公楼施工过程中,天南公司与海北公司因工程增加工作量、工程进度款等问题发生争议。双方在交涉过程中通过电子邮件约定将争议提交某仲裁委员会进行仲裁。其后天南公司考虑到多种因素,向人民法院提起诉讼,请求判决解除合同。   法院在不知道双方曾约定仲裁的情况下受理了本案,海北公司进行了答辩,表示不同意解除合同。在一审法院审理过程中,原告申请法院裁定被告停止施工,法院未予准许。开庭审理过程中,原告提交了双方在履行合同过程中的会谈录音带和会议纪要,主张原合同已经变更。被告质证时表示,对方在会谈时进行录音未征得本方同意,被告事先不知道原告进行了录音,而会议纪要则无被告方人员的签字,故均不予认可。一审法院经过审理,判决驳回原告的诉讼请求。原告不服,认为一审判决错误,提出上诉,并称双方当事人之间存在仲裁协议,法院对本案无诉讼管辖权。   二审法院对本案进行了审理。在二审过程中,海北公司见一审法院判决支持了本公司的主张,又向二审法院提出反诉,请求天南公司支付拖欠的工程款。天南公司考虑到二审可能败诉,故提请调解,为了达成协议,表示认可部分工程新增加的工作量。后因调解不成,天南公司又表示对已认可增加的工作量不予认可。二审法院经过审理,判决驳回上诉,维持原判。   问题:




     Melissa Poe was 9 years old when she began a campaign for a cleaner environment by writing a letter to

the then President Bush. Through her on efforts, her letter was reproduced on over 250 donated billboards

(广告牌) across the country.

     The response to her request for help was so huge that Poe established Kids For A Cleaner Environment

(Kids F.A.C.E.) in 1989. There are now 300,000 members of Kids F.A.C.E. worldwide and it is the world's

largest youth environmental organization.

     Poe has also asked the National Park Service to carry out a "Children's Forest" project in every national

park. In 1992, she was invited one of only six children in the world to speak at the Earth Summit in Brazil

as part of the Voices of the future Program. In 1993, she was given a Caring Award for her efforts by the

Caring Institute.

     Since the organization started, Kids F.A.C.E. members have distributed and planted over 1 million trees!

Ongoing tree-planting projects include Kids' Yards-the creation of backyard wildlife habitats (栖息地) and

now Kids F.A.C.E. is involved in the exciting Odyssey, which is a great way to start helping.

     "We try to tell kids that it's not OK to be lazy," she explains, "You need to start being a response,

environmentally friendly person now, right now, before you become a resource-sucking adult."

1. Kids F.A.C.E. is _____.

A. a program to help students with writing

B. a project of litter recycling

C. a campaign launched by President Bush

D. a club of environmental protection

2. What can we learn about Poe?

A. She was awarded a prize in Brazil.

B. She donated billboards across the country.

C. She got positive responses for her efforts.

D. She joined the National Park Service.

3. Kid's Yards is _____.

A. established in national park

B. started to protect wildlife

C. a wildlife-raising project

D. an environment park for kids

4. Which of the following can be inferred from the text?

A. Adults are resources -sucking people.

B. Poe sought help from a youth organization.

C. Kids F.A.C.E. members are from the U.S.

D. Kids are urged to save natural resources.
