
阅读理解。 What is "S" Plan? If you don't kno




     What is "S" Plan? If you don't know the "coined word," you are dropped behind. Reflecting (反映) a

series of new ideas towards health, "S" Plan, the new trend in 2009's healthy project, is made up of several

words with "S" as the initial letter (首字母).

     Sleep better

     Sleeping is very important in our daily life. Good sleep means a good beginning next day. That's why

sleeping is considered as the first step among all "S" steps. To get the aim, you'd better give up bad living

habits like smoking and overdrinking, and do more exercise, such as Yoga and Pilates to relax yourself.

     Be strong

     The word strong here does not mean a powerful body only; it also refers to a strong personality (性格).

Today, no matter whether you are male or female, you have to bear lots of pressures. So in 2009, you have

to be a strong person to adapt the busy modern life.

      Become slim

      How to become slim has always been a hot topic among office ladies. However, here "slim" doesn't

mean bony but refers to a kind of fit shape. We all know that obesity (肥胖) arouses many diseases, while

too bony causes health problems as well. So, do some exercise to become slim and keep yourself healthy.

      Smile confidently

      Smile is a good way to release your pressure and get more confidence.

      Have a sunny heart

      Many people want to know how to get rid of the gloomy (郁闷的) mood and have a sunny heart. There

are lots of ways, such as going out with friends, taking a short trip, having a get-together with your family.

Sometimes, even a small thing, such as a flower can light you up! 

     Smart adds your charms

     It is said that girls are praised beautiful because they are smart and intelligent. As time goes, this concept

(观念) has been approved by more and more people. No matter you're male or female, learning as much as

you can, grasping as many skills as you can. Knowledge makes you more attractive.

1. "S" Plan is actually _____. [ ]

A. a kind of word game with some words beginning with "S"

B. some new ideas towards health in both mind and body

C. a new program of making up new words in 2009

D. a plan that keeps you to follow the trend of 2009

2. What does the underline sentence in the first paragraph mean? [ ]

A. It is a fashion to make up new words in 2009.

B. To keep up with times you should know what the trend is at the moment.

C. If you don't know what is "S" Plan, you are out of date.

D. If you don't know the meaning of coined words, you are behind the times.

3. To be a beautiful girl, you should _____ according to the passage. [ ]

A. keep thin as much as possible

B. have enough sleep

C. smile attractively

D. have a lot of knowledge

4. Why do you need to be strong? [ ]

A. There are lots of pressures in busy modern life.

B. Obesity causes a lot of serious diseases.

C. It can make you smile at difficulties in life.

D. It can help you to get rid of bad mood.


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