
根据右图A、B、C三种固体的溶解度曲线回答: (1)P点的含义是。 (2)要使








(4)t1℃时,将15gA加入到装有50g水的烧杯中,充分搅拌,所得溶液的溶质质量分数为     (结果精确至0.1%)。

(5)将t2℃时三种物质的饱和溶液分别降温到t1℃,所得溶液中溶质的质量分数最小的是           (填序号)。


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肖某、李某携带手铐、电警棒,分别驾驶一辆助力自行车在市区闲逛,在行驶至该市红星南路时,看见某歌舞厅门口的伍某(24岁,曾多次因卖淫受过行政处罚),即上前与伍某聊天,问伍某是否愿意同他们一起去玩,伍某表示同意,伍某遂与两人又租车在市区游荡。途中,三人嘻嘻哈哈地闲聊,肖某、李某两人谎称自己是公安人员,李某还佯装用手机给“派出所”打电话,称“张队长,我们抓了个鸡婆,怎么处理”随后关上手机说“张队长让我们自己处理”。接着,两人把车停下,与伍某谈价钱,没有谈出结果。此时,伍某心里害怕,要求下车回家,两人不允许,并拿出手铐和电警棒给伍某看。后来,两人将伍某带到肖某家中,在肖某家中,肖某又拿出电警棍给伍某看,再次胁迫。后两人先后三次将伍某 * * 淫,直到第二天凌晨3时左右才放伍某走,一分钱未付。当天下午,伍某到公安机关报案,两人被抓获。
问:肖某、李某两人的行为是嫖娼还是构成强 * * 说明理由。


Bush’s MBA

Twenty-six of 42 presidents, including Bill Clinton, were lawyers. Seven were generals. George W. Bush becomes the first with an MBA.
Those who have had Bush for a boss since the mid-1980s—in the (1) of oil, baseball and Texas state government—describe his management (2) as straight from the pages of the organizational-behavior (3) he studied while getting his masters of business administration (4) at Harvard University in 1975.
He manages by what is known (5) "walking around," having learned that sitting behind a desk and passing out memos does (6) to energize anyone.
He has a reputation for fueling "creative tension" (7) his subordinates, encouraging them to take and defend opposing (8) . That sacrifices harmony, but puts ideas to the test and lets Bush (9) above the fray, where he can offer guidance instead of barking (10) . Imagine the creative tension that may erupt (11) the likes of Secretary of State-designate Colin Powell and Defense Secretary— (12) Donald Rumsfeld.
Above all, former employees say that he is a master at delegating (13) installing measures of accountability—ways of knowing (14) subordinates are getting the job done without looking (15) any shoulders. That frees Bush for strategic thinking—perhaps (16) two words hammered into MBA students most—which means thinking (17) to seize opportunities and to derail threats to the best of plans.
"George was my (18) ," says Tom Schieffer, who served as president of the Texas Rangers under Bush (19) 1991 and 1995. "But he never made me feel that way. He went out of his way to treat me as a (20) , not a subordinate."
That’s one trait that might be of concern, says Michael Useem, director of the Wharton Center for Leadership and Change at the University of Pennsylvania. It’s important for subordinates to feel part of the team, but not just because the boss craves popularity. Just as in the military, it must be understood who is in charge when the final order is given.
