
阅读下面的文言文,完成1~4题。 韦丹字文明,京兆万年人。早孤,从外祖颜真卿学




  韦丹字文明,京兆万年人。早孤,从外祖颜真卿学。顺宗为太子,以殿中侍御史召为舍人。新罗国君死,诏拜侍封郎中往吊。故事,使外国,赐州县十官,卖以取费。丹曰:“使外国,不足于资,宜上请,安有贸官受钱?”即具疏所宜费,帝命有司与之。还为容州刺史。教民耕织,止惰游,兴学校,民贫自鬻者,赎归之,禁吏不得掠为隶。始城州,周十三里,屯田二十四所,教种茶、麦,仁化大行。以谏议大夫召,有直名。刘辟反,议者欲释不诛,丹上疏,以为“孝文世,法废人慢,当济以威,今不诛辟,则可使者惟两京耳”。宪宗褒美。乃拜晋慈隰州观察使,封武阳郡公。阅岁,自陈所治三州,非要害地,不足张职,为国家费,不如属之河东,帝从之。徙为江南西道观察使。丹计口受俸,委余于官,罢八州冗食者,收其财。始,民不知为瓦屋,草茨竹椽,久燥则戛而焚。丹召工教为陶,聚材于场,度其费为估,不取赢利。人能为屋者,受材瓦于官,免半赋,徐取其偿;逃未复者,官为为之。贫不能者,畀以财;身往劝督。有吏主仓十年,丹覆其粮,亡三千斛,丹曰:“吏岂自费邪?”籍其家,尽得文记,乃权吏所夺。召诸吏曰:“若恃权取于仓,罪也,与若期一月还之。”皆顿首谢,及期无敢违。有卒违令当死,释不诛,去,上书告丹不法,诏丹解官待辨。会卒,年五十八。验卒所告,皆不实,丹治状愈明。大和中,裴谊观察江西,上言为丹立祠堂,刻石纪功,不报。宣宗读《元和实录》,见丹政事卓然,它日与宰相语:“元和时治民孰第一?”周墀对曰:“臣尝守江西,韦丹有大功,德被八州,殁四十年,老幼思之不忘。” 乃诏观察使上丹功状,命刻功于碑。(节选自《新唐书·韦丹传》)

1.对下列句子中加粗的词的解释,不正确的一项是(     )





2.以下各组句子中,全都表明韦丹“助民安居”的一组是(     )

①民贫自鬻者,赎归之 ②教种茶、麦,仁化大行 ③罢八州冗食者,收其财

④度其费为估,不取赢利 ⑤免半赋,徐取其偿 ⑥韦丹有大功,德被八州





3.下列对原文有关内容的分析和概括,不正确的一项是(     )











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     Boxing is a fist fighting sport between two matched combatants (对手) wearing padded gloves. A

boxer's primary aim is to land as many blows as possible to the head and torso (躯干) of the opponent,

using strength and speed to dominate the contest. One of the oldest sports still practiced, boxing dates

back to thousands of years ago. Today the sport is popular in many parts of the world and encompasses (包括) both amateur and professional matches.

     For most of the 20th century boxing attracted huge fans and media attention in the United States.

Some boxing champions became legendary, larger-than-life figures, such as Jack Dempsey, Joe Louis,

and Muhammad Ali. Criticized to varying degrees throughout its history for its violent nature and high

injury rate, boxing has somehow always managed to survive-and even thrive-as a sport.

      Modern boxing regulations are based upon the 12 rules set out by British boxing officials in the

mid-19th century. These rules became known as the Marquess of Queensberry Rules, named after the

8th Marquess of Queensberry, John Sholto Douglas, who sponsored and published them. In addition

to in-the-ring rules, modern boxing also has specific regulations regarding eligibility for the fighters


     The modern rules for professional and amateur boxing differ, but both types of contests are divided

into time periods called rounds. In professional boxing, each round lasts three minutes; in amateur boxing,

two minutes. A one-minute rest period between rounds is standard. Amateur contests consist of three

rounds; professional contests may consist of up to 12 rounds. A bell is usually sounded by a timekeeper

to begin and end each round.

     A key step in making boxing safer and more respectable was the introduction of gloves, ending brutal

bare-knuckle competition. Boxing gloves are heavily padded to soften the impact of the blow and to

protect the hands of the boxer. As an added protection, the hands are taped before being placed in the

gloves, which are essentially huge mittens. Professional gloves usually weigh between 170 and 226g;

amateur gloves average 226 to 340g.

1. Which of the following is true according to the information in the passage?

A. Boxing is a violent sport with high injury rate.

B. People enjoy boxing because of its brutal nature.

C. Only professional players are allowed to attend boxing matches.

D. Boxing is a popular sport with a history of only 200 years.

2. Boxing has always managed to survive as a sport. In the author's opinion, ______.

A. this is because many people can participate in this popular sport

B. this is because boxing is a sport which can bring good business

C. the reason for this cannot be fully explained

D. this is because there are many legendary boxers

3. Which of the following facts about boxing is NOT mentioned in the passage?

A. The time set for a round.             

B. The weight of gloves.

C. The size of boxing rings.              

D. The signal to begin and end each round.

4. The author's purpose in writing this passage is ________.

A. to give a general introduction to the sport of boxing

B. to advertise a band of boxing-related product

C. to discourage people from enjoying this violent sport

D. to get support for a sport with long tradition

5. Which of the following statements can best describe the sport of boxing as a whole?

A. It is a brutal and violent sport, with little popularity in modern times.

B. It is a traditional sport, with little room for improvement.

C. It is a controversial sport, which nevertheless enjoys great public support.

D. It is strictly professional sport with rigid and exclusive rules.
