
阅读下列材料,回答问题。 材料一《春秋》大一统,天地之常经,古今之通谊也。今师异




材料一 《春秋》大一统,天地之常经,古今之通谊也。今师异道,人异论,百家殊方,指意不同,是以上亡以持一统;法制数变,下不知所守。臣愚以为诸不在六艺之科孔子之术者,皆绝其道,勿使并进。邪辟之说灭息,然后统纪可一而法度可明,民知所从矣。                       


材料二 统一思想,归本儒家,便是要使全国人有一致的信仰,让大家在相同的目标下,致力于共同的利益,所以统一思想是有其必要的……因此我们平心而论,董仲舒统一思想,尊崇儒术的呼吁,其功当多于过。                                                         


材料三 秦以后的中国文化曾遭受三次厄运,一次是秦始皇的焚书,一次是汉武帝的罢黜百家,再一次是明初的科举制度。在这三次中,要算董仲舒所发动的这一次对封建 * * 的长期巩固所起的作用最大,对文化的危害也最为长远。                                            






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Melbourne Zoo’s Close-up Visits will bring you face to face with some of our zoo’s most popular animals.
Each experience includes a 6×8 photograph, taken by one of our professional photographers, to help you keep the memory of your visit to Melbourne Zoo.
Please note: The price of a Close-up Visits ticket does not include entry to Melbourne Zoo.
Meerkat Close-up
Price per person
Max group size
4 people
Restrictions (限制)
Minimum age: 5. Children aged 5 to 12 must be accompanied by a paying adult
11:30 am
Big Tortoise Close-up
Price per person
Max group size
4 people
Children under 12 must be accompanied by a paying adult
11:00 am
Giraffe Close-up
Price per person
Max group size
6 people
Minimum age: 5. Children aged 5 to 12 must be accompanied by a paying adult
11:30 am
Kangaroo Close-up
Price per person
$30 for up to 2 people
Max group size
4 people
Children under 12 must be accompanied by a paying adult
2:00 pm
Bookings Information
● Bookings can be made by calling Zoo Photos on 0392859406.
● Bookings can be made on the day by visiting Zoo Photos from 9:30 am.
● A Zoo Photo Animal Experience does not include entry to Melbourne Zoo.
Terms and Conditions
● Group size and restrictions are needed to pay attention to.
● The photographer have the right to stop any experience at any time for reasons relating to animals’ health or visitors’ bad behavior.
小题1:If you buy a ticket for Melbourne Zoo’s Close-up Visits, you _____.
A.can enter Melbourne Zoo for free
B.are asked to work for the wildlife
C.can have a photo of yourself taken
D.aren’t allowed to meet animals face to face
小题2:If you are free in the afternoon, you may choose to see _____.
A.kangaroos B.giraffes C.big tortoisesD.meerkats
小题3:Giraffe Close-up is different from Meerkat Close-up in _____.
A.priceB.max group size C.restrictionsD.time
小题4:What do we know from the passage?
A.You can make a booking from 9 in the morning.
B.Children of all ages can visit the animals in the zoo.
C.The photographer has the right to deal with your photos.
D.You may be forced to leave the zoo if you behave badly.