
阅读理解。 Cancer is feared by everyone. And




      Cancer is feared by everyone. And there is more and more fear about cancer. Not the disease

itself - there is no such thing as a high incidence rates(发病率) of cancer. Except for lung cancer,

mostly caused by cigarette smoking, the incidence rates are not on the rise. However, some kinds

of cancer are decreasing. But the fear of cancer is catching, and the country stands at risk of an

anxiety. The earth itself is coming to seem like a huge carcinogen(致癌物). The ordinary, more or

less, scientific statement that something between 80 and 90 percent of all cancers are due to things

in the environment is taken to mean that none of us will be safe until the whole environment is "cleaned

up." This is not at all the meaning.

     The 80-percent calculation is based on the unthinkable differences in the incidence of cancer in

various societies around the world - for example, the high incidence of liver cancer in Africa and

the Far East, stomach cancer in Japan, breast cancer in Western Europe and North America, and

the relatively low figures for breast cancer in Japan and parts of Africa and for liver cancer in America.

These data show there may be specific environmental influences, but largely based on personal life-style,

which determines the incidence of various forms of cancer in different communities - that is all the

data suggest. The overall incidence of cancer, counting up all the cases, is probable roughly the same


1. According to the passage, the incidence of cancer is generally believed _____.

A. to be based on inactive life style

B. to be due to anxiety

C. to result from environmental influences

D. to be caused by heavy smoking

2. It can be inferred from the passage that the writer's opinion about the relationship between cancer

    and environment is _____.

A. positive

B. negative

C. neutral

D. approving

3. According to the passage, the writer seems to feel that _____.

A. the risk of catching cancer is on the rise

B. the whole earth is coming to seem like a huge carcinogen

C. the risk of catching cancer isn't so great as people think

D. cancer can be cured if the environment is cleaned up

4. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?

A. Cancer and Environment

B. The Fear Caused by Cancers

C. Data on Cancer Incidence

D. Cancer and its Investigation


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“红军不怕远征难,万水千山只等闲。”1934年10月,中 * * 党率领红军将士开始了震惊世界的长征,“十二个月中间,天上每日几十架飞机侦察轰炸,地下几十万大军围追堵截,路上遇着了说不尽的艰难险阻,我们却开动了每人的两只脚,长驱二万余里,纵横十一个省。”长征,开辟了中国革命继往开来的光明道路,奠定了中国革命胜利前进的重要基础。长征精神也已成为中国人民的宝贵精神财富。请用“弘扬和培育民族精神”的观点,说说你对“伟大长征”的真情实感。(论证观点必须结合上述材料)

