
2011年9月21日在中 * * 党泉州市第十一次代表大会上,市委书记徐钢提出要坚持



2011年9月21日在中 * * 党泉州市第十一次代表大会上,市委书记徐钢提出要坚持人的全面发展这一重要取向,更加重视文化、社会、生态建设,更加重视人口素质、文明水准的提升,更加重视人的尊严和价值,不断提升群众的幸福指数。要从以下四个方面致力促进社会更加和谐进步:①着力增强文化软实力。②切实保障和改善民生。③加强和创新社会管理。④大力发展生态文明。至2016年,全市生产总值、财政总收入等主要指标比2011年翻一番,综合实力接近东部先进地区水平;产业转型升级取得实质性突破,港口的作用得到充分发挥,城市“一湾两翼三带”空间布局更臻完善;城乡统筹水平不断提升,城乡居民收入与经济发展同步增长;生态环境更加优美,文化软实力显著增强,民主法治和精神文明建设持续加强,社会更加和谐稳定、充满活力。














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Writing about music is like dancing about architecture, or so the saying goes. Sometimes attributed to Frank Zappa, other times to Elvis Costello, this quote is usually intended to convey the futility of such an endeavor, if not the complete silliness of even attempting it. But Glenn Kurtz’s graceful memoir, Practicing: A Musician’s Return to Music, turns the expression on its head, giving it a different meaning by creating a lovely, unique book.
Kurtz picked up the guitar as a kid in a music-loving family, attended the Long Island music school, and went on to play on Merv Griffin’s TV show before graduating from Tufts University. Motivating the young Kurtz was the dream of reinventing classical guitar, as if by his great ambition alone he could push it from the margins of popular interest to center stage-something not even accomplished by the late Spanish guitarist Andres Segovia, perhaps the only artist of the form ever to reach anything resembling widespread celebrity.
This book reads like a love story of sorts: Boy meets guitar. Boy loves guitar. Guitar breaks boy’s heart or, more precisely, the ordinariness of a working musician’s life does so. "I’d just imagined the artist’s life naively, childishly, with too much longing, too much poetry and innocence and purity," Kurtz writes. "The guitar had been the instrument of my dreams. Now the dream was over. "
Boy leaves guitar. Were the story to end here, this book would be a tragedy, but after nearly a decade the boy returns to guitar, and although he has lost the enthusiasm he had in his youth, he finds his love of the guitar again in a way he never could have appreciated before.
Although Kurtz is writing about a unique musical path, his journey speaks eloquently to the heart of anyone who has ever desperately yearned to achieve something and felt the sting of disappointment. "Everyone who gives up a serious childhood dream—of becoming an artist, a doctor, an engineer, an athlete—lives the rest of their life with a sense of loss, with nagging what it is," he writes. "Is that time and effort, that talent and ambition, truly wasted \

Paragraph 3 suggests that what "the ordinariness of a working musician’s life" does to the boy is ______.

A.keep him in great excitement

B.bring him great disappointment

C.help him create great music

D.tell him a great musician’s duty
