
脑肿瘤强化程度主要取决于()。 A.血脑屏障破坏程度 B.肿瘤大小 C.使用离子型还










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点拨:“感恩”是中 * * 传统美德中的重要组成部分,也是具有时代意义的热门话题。武汉市2005 年中考作文题为“感恩”,“语文报杯2006 年全国中学生作文大赛”的主旋律也为“感恩”,更巧的是,2006 年中考...



A farmer had some young dogs to sell. He painted a sign describing the dogs and began to nail __36__ to a post in his yard. As he was driving the last nail, he __37__ a pull on his coat. He looked __38__ and found a little boy.

“Mister,”he said, “I want to __39__ one of your dogs.”

“Well,”said the farmer, as he __40__ the sweat off his neck,“these dogs come from __41__ parents and cost a good deal of money.”

The boy __42__ his head for a moment. Reaching deep into his pocket, he pulled out a handful of __43__ and held it up to the farmer. “I’ve got thirty-nine cents. Is that __44__ to take a look?”

Then he let out a __45__,“Here, Dolly﹗”he called.

Out from the doghouse ran Dolly __46__ by four little balls of fur. The boy’s eyes danced __47__.

As the dogs made their way to the fence, the boy noticed something else moving __48__ inside the doghouse. Slowly another little ball __49__. This one was even smaller, walking with  __50__ toward the others, doing its best to catch up with them.

“I __51__ that one,”the boy said, pointing to the smallest and __52__ developed dog.

The farmer said,“Son, you don’t want that dog, __53__ he will never be able to run and play with you.”

Hearing that, the boy stepped back, and began rolling up one leg of his __54__.A steel brace(支撑板)appeared running down his leg connecting itself with a __55__ made shoe. He said to the farmer, “You see, I don’t run too well myself, and he will need someone who understands.”

36. A. it            B. them            C. dog              D. dogs

37. A. found         B. felt             C. realized           D. caused

38. A. back          B. forward         C. down             D. up

39. A. raise          B. keep            C. afford            D. buy

40. A. took          B. carried           C. removed          D. moved

41. A. fine           B. special          C. ordinary           D. natural

42. A. fell           B. dropped          C. raised            D. rose

43. A. bills         B. notes             C. change           D. exchange

44. A. right          B. enough           C. nice             D. exact

45. A. breath         B. noise            C. cry              D. whistle

46. A. followed       B. run              C. caught          D. hurried

47. A. with care       B. with delight       C. in surprise        D. in danger

48. A. quickly         B. violently         C. slightly          D. happily

49. A. came           B. went            C. appeared         D. jumped

50. A. upset           B. worry           C. help             D. difficulty

51. A. love           B. like              C. prefer           D. want

52. A. most           B. least             C. much            D. very

53. A. for            B. and              C. though           D. but

54. A. legs           B. arms             C. trousers           D. coats

55. A. especially       B. specially         C. powerfully         D. wonderfully


场景(二)按水利工程建设程序,某丘陵地区拟建一座进水闸,水闸由闸室和上、下游连接段组成。闸室采用分离式底板,底板厚1.2m,闸底板混凝土用砂的细度模数控制在2.3~3.0之间。下游连接段包括翼墙、护坦、海漫、防冲槽等。闸室建在岩基上,地基需要进行固结灌浆处理。根据施工组织设计安排,基岩采用爆破开挖,炮孔径为50mm,孔深2m。本工程施工采用围堰导流。 根据场景(二),回答下列问题:

本工程属于立项过程的是(  )




