
阅读理解。 Do's and Don'ts in Whale (鲸) Watc




     Do's and Don'ts in Whale (鲸) Watching

     The Department of Fisheries and Oceans has developed guidelines for whale watching in Johnstone

Strait, where killer whales are found on a daily basis each summer. It is strongly recommended that

vessel (船只) operators follow these guidelines for all kinds of whales.

     Approach whales from the side, not from the front or the back.

     Approach no closer than 100 metres, then stop the boat but keep the engine on.

     Keep noise levels down-no horns, whistles or racing of engines.

     Start your boat only after the whales are more than 100 metres from your vessel.

     Leave the area slowly, gradually moving faster when you are more than 300 metres from the whales.

     Approach and leave slowly, avoiding sudden changes in speed or direction.

     Avoid disturbing groups of resting whales.

     Keep at low speeds and remain in the same direction if traveling side by side with whales.

     When whales are traveling close to shore, avoid crowding them near the shore or coming between

the whales and the shore.

     Limit the time spent with any group of whales to less than 30 minutes at a time when within 100 to

200 metres of whales.

     If there is more than one vessel at the same observation spot, be sure to avoid any boat position that

would result in surrounding the whales.

     Work together by communicating with other vessels, and make sure that all operators are aware of

the whale watching guidelines.

1. For whom is this text written?

A. Tour guides.

B. Whale watchers.

C. Vessel operators.

D. Government officials.

2. When leaving the observation areas, the vessel should _________.

A. move close to the beach

B. increase speed gradually

C. keep its engine running slowly

D. remain at the back of the whales

3.When going side by side with whales, the vessel should _________.

A. travel closer and closer to the shore

B. surround the whales with other boats

C. keep moving in the same direction

D. take a good viewing position

4. What is the shortest safe distance from the whales?

A. 400 metres.

B. 300 metres.

C. 200 metres.  

D. 100 metres.


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试题一(25分) 阅读下列说明,回答问题1至问题3,将解答填入答题纸的对应栏内。 【说明】 某国有大型制造企业H计划建立适合其业务特点的ERP系统。为了保证ERP系统的成功实施,H公司选择了一家较知名的监理单位,帮助选择供应商并协助策划ERP的方案。 在监理单位的协助下,H公司编制了招标文件,并于5月6日发出招标公告,规定投标截止时间为5月21日17时。在截止时间前,H公司共收到五家公司的投标书,其中甲公司为一家外资企业。H公司觉得该项目涉及公司的业务秘密,不适合由外资企业来承担。因此,在随后制定评标标准的时候,特意增加了关于企业性质的评分条件:国有企业可加2分,民营企业可加1分,外资企业不加分。 H公司又组建了评标委员会,其中包括H公司的领导一名,H公司上级主管单位领导一名,其他4人为邀请的行业专家。在评标会议上,评标委员会认为丙公司的投标书能够满足招标文件中规定的各项要求,但报价低于成本价,因此选择了同样投标书满足要求,但报价次低的乙公司作为中标单位。 在发布中标公告后,H公司与乙公司开始准备签订合同。但此时乙公司提出,虽然招标文件中规定了合同格式并对付款条件进行了详细的要求,但这种付款方式只适用于硬件占主体的系统集成项目,对于ERP系统这种软件占主体的项目来说并不适用,因此要求H公司修改付款方式。H公司坚决不同意乙公司的要求,乙公司多次沟通未达到目的只好做出妥协,直到第45天,H公司才与乙公司最终签订了ERP项目合同。




2011年3月11日日本发生了9.0级强地震。福岛第一核电站1号机组12日下午发生氢气爆炸。随后在爆炸核电站周围检测到的放射性物质有碘-131和铯-137。碘-131一旦被人体吸入,可能会引发甲状腺疾病。日 本政府计划向核电站附近居民发放防止碘-131辐射的药物碘片。

(1) Cs(铯)的最外层电子排布式为6s1,与铯同主族的前四周期(包括第四周期)的三种元素A、B、C的电离能如下表





(4)碘-131是碘单质,其晶胞结构如下图甲所示,该晶胞中含有_______个I2分子;KI的晶胞结构如下图乙 所示,每个K+紧邻___个I-
