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转基因作物同普通植物的区别只是多了能使它产生额外特性的基因.早在1983年,生物学家就已经知道怎样通过生物工程技术将外来基因移植到某种植物的脱氧核糖核酸中去,以便使它产生靠杂交方式根本无法获得的某种新的特性:抗除莠剂的特性、抗植物病毒的特性、抗某种害虫的特性等.用以移植的基因可来自任何生命体:细菌、病毒、昆虫等.转基因作物目前在世界上已种植有1 000万公顷左右,种植最多的是棉花、玉米和西红柿等.在实验室试种的还有莴笋、西瓜、稻谷等品种.试验的目的除了增产之外,还在于提高这种品种的抗病毒能力.但同时也有专家担心转基因作物可能对环境有危险.比如在美国种植的那种能抗虫害的玉米和棉花,可能加快出现一更难对付的害虫.这类作物的所有分子都分泌出一微量的“杀虫”一种像任何一种一样能选择杀死某害虫的“雾剂”.尤其是那些能抗除莠剂的作物,它们一旦同野生状态下的“表姐妹”杂交之后,那些“表姐妹"也就会因此而成为除莠剂无法除掉的变种了对于这种技术,尽管还有些问题需要继续研究,但这确是人类9000年作物栽培史上一场空前的革命.







Discussion of the assimilation of Puerto Ricans (波多黎各人 ) in the United States has focused on two factors: social standing and the loss of national culture. In general, excessive stress is placed on one factor or the other, depending on whether the commentator is North American or Puerto Rican. Many North American social scientists, such as Oscar Handlin, Joseph Fitzpatrick, and Oscar Lewis, consider Puerto Ricans as the most recent in a long line of ethnic entrants to occupy the lowest rung on the social ladder. (46) Such a " socio demographic" approach tends to regard assimilation as a benign process, taking for granted increased economic advantage and inevitable cultural integration, in a supposedly egalitarian context. However, this approach fails to take into account the colonial nature of the Puerto Rican case, with this group, unlike their European predecessors, coming from a nation politically subordinated to the United States. (47) Even the "radical" critiques of this mainstream research model, such as the critique developed in Divided Society, attach the issue of ethnic assimilation too mechanically to factors of economic and social mobility and are thus unable to illuminate the cultural subordination of Puerto Ricans as a colonial minority.

In contrast, the "colonialist" approach of island based writers such as Eduardo Seda- Bonilla, Manuel Maldonado-Denis, and Luis Nieves-Falcon tends to view assimilation as the forced loss of national culture in an unequal contest with imposed foreign values. There is, of course, a p tradition of cultural accommodation among other Puerto Rican thinkers. The writings of Eugenio Fernandez Mendez clearly exemplify this tradition, and many supporters of Puerto Rico’s commonwealth status share the same universalizing orientation. (48) But the Puerto Rican intellectuals who have written most about the assimilation process in the United States all advance cultural nationalist views, advocating the preservation of minority cultural distinctions and rejecting what they see as the submission of colonial nationalities.

This cultural and political emphasis is appropriate, but the colonialist thinkers misdirect it, overlooking the class relations at work in both Puerto Rican and North American history. They pose the clash of national cultures as an absolute polarity, with each culture understood as static and undifferentiated. (49) Yet both the Puerto Rican and North American traditions have been subject to constant challenge from cultural forces within their own societies, forces that may move toward each other in ways that cannot be written off as mere "assimilation. " Consider, for example, the indigenous and Afro-Caribbean traditions in Puerto Rican culture and how they influence and are influenced by other Caribbean cultures and Black cultures in the United States. (50) The elements of compulsion and inequality, so central to cultural contact according to the colonialist framework play no role in this kind of convergence of racially and ethnically different elements of the same social class.

(47) Even the "radical" critiques of this mainstream research model, such as the critique developed in Divided Society, attach the issue of ethnic assimilation too mechanically to factors of economic and social mobility and are thus unable to illuminate the cultural subordination of Puerto Ricans as a colonial minority.
