
阅读下面的文章,完成1~5 题。 六国论(节选) [清] 李祯 宋二苏氏论六国



阅读下面的文章,完成1~5 题。


  [清] 李祯






1 .文章第二段中说六国“皆欲为秦所为”,具体指的是              

2 .对“夫后世之所以恶秦者,岂非以其暴邪”一句理解正确的一项是(      )

A .那些后世讨厌秦国的人,难道不是因为秦国的残暴吗?

B .后世的人憎恶秦国的原因,难道不是秦国的残暴和邪恶吗?

C .那些后世的人讨厌秦国的原因,难道不是因为秦国的暴力吗?

D .后世的人憎恨秦国的原因,难道不是因为秦国的暴政吗?

3 .从文中看,苏洵、苏辙以及作者认为六国灭亡的原因分别是(用自己的话概括)

苏洵的观点                    _______________________

苏辙的观点                    _______________________

作者的观点                    _______________________

4.对本文写作特点的分析,下列错误的一项是:(      )

A .本文开头用苏洵、苏辙的观点作为铺垫,借此引出自己的议论。

B .本文的主题是在六国为秦所灭和秦朝速亡的历史事实上揭示出来的。

C .本文在观点上与“宋二苏氏”的观点针锋相对,是一篇典型的驳论文。

D .本文在论证过程中以说理为主,用例则以概括性的事例为主,较为简洁。




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Blair Admits Never Having Sent Flowers to His Wife

British Prime Minister Tony Blair admitted on a television programme that he has never sent flowers to his wife Cherie and that he had a youthful crush on Hollywood beauty Grace Kelly.
Blair, who allowed Channel 4 interviewer June Sarpong to shadow him for two days last month, made other personal (1) when asked questions he rarely hears on the usual television political (2) .
During the interviews for a program targeting 18-30 year (3) , the prime minister admitted he sometimes has to "wing it" when (4) public appearances and that he yearns to go out for a drink (5) being recognised.
However, the most dramatic revelation was his reply to Sarpong’s (6) on whether he still sends his wife flowers, prompting his interviewer to (7) in disbelief. "I’ve never sent her flowers. If I sent her flowers, she would (8) worried," Blair said.
But he added: "I am romantic. There are other ways of (9) romantic."
Blair needed a few moments to recall which posters he had (10) his bedroom wall as a youngster, then revealed: "I’ll tell you... actually, (11) I was younger, I loved Grace Kelly."
Born in 1929, Kelly (12) in films like ’Dial M For Murder’, ’Rear Window’ and ’High Society’ in the mid-1950s, but (13) acting to marry Prince Rainier of Monaco in 1956, when Blair was (14) two years old.
Blair admitted he initially found it "odd" to be (15) minister and to be rushed in motorcades from appointment to (16) , and worried that his lifesty left him "a bit isolated" from (17) people.
He admitted that he was constantly on the phone between public (18) , and rarely had time to prepare for his next (19) , telling Sarpong: "I wing it all the time."
And he revealed he has to check himself before he replies to (20) questions from the public. "The worst thing is when someone is giving you a real earful and you think ’I’m going to say something I will regret’," he said.
Asked what he would do if he could be invisible for a day, Blair yearned for a more ordinary life, saying he would "just walk down the street and go to the pub... just be absolutely normal".
