
病历摘要 男性,68岁,间断咳嗽、咳痰20年,活动后气促6年,加重2天。 患者2



病历摘要 男性,68岁,间断咳嗽、咳痰20年,活动后气促6年,加重2天。 患者20年前开始出现咳嗽、咳白色粘痰,晨起明显,量约20~50ml/日,无低热、盗汗、胸闷、咯血等。 常因受凉后咳嗽、咳痰发病或加重,冬季多见,每年发作时间累计约2~3个月。6年前开始出现活动后气促。2年前开始于咳嗽、咳痰加重时出现双下肢水肿、经“抗感染及利尿”治疗,症状可缓解。2天前受凉后咳嗽加重,咳黄粘痰,伴发热,体温38.5℃。休息时也有明显气促,半卧位间断入睡,发病以来精神差,食欲下降,大小便正常,体重无明显变化。否认肺结核、心脏病病史,无药物过敏史及外伤、手术史。吸烟50年,30支/日。 查体:T38.2℃,P99次/分,R26次/分,BP130/86mmHg,慢性病容,神志清楚,半卧位。浅表淋巴结未触及。口唇及甲床发绀、颈静脉怒张。桶状胸,双肺叩诊呈过清音,肺下界位于双肩胛线第11肋间,双肺呼吸音低,双下肺可闻及干细湿性啰音。心界缩小。心率99次/分,律齐,各瓣膜区未闻及杂音。腹平软,无压痛、反跳痛,肝肋下3cm,质地中等,脾肋下未触及。无杵状指(趾),双下肢无凹陷性水肿。 辅助检查:血常规:Hb136g/L,WBC11.5×109/L,N0.90,Plt150×109/L。胸部X线片示双侧肺野透亮度增加,双下肺纹理增粗,模糊,双侧膈肌低平,肺动脉段膨隆,心尖略上翘。心电图示:肺型P波,右心室肥大。动脉血气分析:pH7.28,PaCO268mmHg,PaO250mmHg,SaO285%,HCO332mol/L。要求:根据以上病历摘要,请写出初步诊断、诊断依据(如有两个以上诊断,应分别写出各自诊断依据,未分别写出扣分)、鉴别诊断、进一步检查与治疗原则。


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Passage Four

Despite their names, satin and soman are exceptionally ugly sisters. They are organophosphorous nerve gases. They are cheap and simple to manufacture. And mere milligrams—just a drop—of either is enough to kill an adult in a couple of minutes. They therefore make particularly fine weapons of mass destruction, equally popular with rogue dictators who have not been able to build nuclear bombs and with weird cults such as Aum Shinrikyo, which gassed the Tokyo subway in 1995.

Detecting them soon enough to prevent their effects can be difficult. Even detecting them after the event—if you are, for example, a United Nations weapon inspector—can be haphazard. But help may be at hand. A paper in this month’s edition of Analytical Chemistry, by George Murray and his team at John Hopkins University’s Applied Physics Laboratory in Laurel, Maryland, reports a new way of picking up minute qualities of the two gases without the risk of false alarms from legitimate organophosphorous compounds such as insecticides.

Dr Murray’s detector consists of a fiber-optic cable that has one end plugged into a laser and the other coated with a metal called europium. The laser generates blue light, and europium has the property of shining red when exposed to blue light of the correct wavelength—an effect that is exploited in many optical devices. But the metal possesses a second property that makes it uniquely suitable for Dr. Murray’s purpose: it reacts ply with organophosphates, and when it does so, the wavelength of the light that is emitting changes perceptibly.

To stop his detector going off in response to the wrong signals such as insecticide on the flea collar of a dog, Dr Murray has resorted to a second trick. The europium is embedded in a plastic film that binds specifically to sarin or soman (they are very similar molecules), using special pockets called molecular imprints that have been chemically etched into it. The organophosphates commonly used as pesticides do not fit into these pockets; and so fail to react with the metal. The result is a detector that is both sensitive ( it can pick up concentrations of as seven nerve-gas molecules in a trillion) and reasonable fast (it is able to sound the alarm within 30 seconds).

So far, Dr Murray has tested his device only on soman dissolved in water. This is mainly a safety measure, because water-borne nerve agents are easier to handle than those in gaseous form. But soman or sarin-contaminated water supplies are a real hazard in themselves—and not just in far-flung war zones. In America, for example, there are occasional leaks from military bases. The most recent was from Tooele Chemical Disposal Facility in Utah, one of the sites where the country’s chemical weapons stockpile is being destroyed. At the moment it would be hard to work out if any material from such a spill had found its way into the water supply until people started to become ill.

Dr Murray seems confident, however, that his technology will work just as well on sarin and saman gas, and has prepared "smart" cards coated with the mixture of europium and plastic to detect airborne nerve gases. Unfortunately, he does not, at the moment, have access to any place where the safety regulations will permit him to try them out. But if UN inspectors were ever allowed back into Iraq, he might have a chance.

What is the function of Dr Murray’s device ?()
