



孟子曰:“广土众民,君子欲之,所乐不存焉。中天下而立,定四海之民,君子乐之,所性不存焉。君子所性,虽大行不加焉,虽穷居不损焉①,分定故也。君子所性,仁义礼智根于心,其生色也睟然②,见于面,盎于背③,施于四体,四体不言而喻。” 选自卷十三第二十一篇


①大行:指理想通行于天下。  ②睟然:润泽的样子。




② 君子所性,仁义礼智根于心,其生色也睟然




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In its plans to develop Greece as a year-round tourist destination, the Ministry of Tourism is focusing on alternative forms of tourism, beyond the sun, sea and sand classical summer holiday. Among other sectors, these include health and beauty tourism. Apart from stunning natural beauties, nature has endowed Greece with hot springs whose therapeutic properties were already known in ancient times. Hippocrates, the father of medicine, was the first to discover their virtues some 25 centuries ago. The geographical location of these springs is not accidental as it is related either to tectonic events or volcanic activities. Their waters are therapeutic for ailments such as rheumatism, arthritis and complaints related to lungs, kidneys, blood circulation and dermatology, among others. Of more than 750 natural springs, around 80 operate professionally as natural spas, many with accommodation and other facilities. In consultations with tourism associations, hoteliers and tourism investment consultants, the government is drafting a new law to define the rules for health tourism. Expected to be approved by Parliament early next year, the law will establish the legal framework and the prerequisites for health tourism centers, including provisions for handicapped guests. One condition will be that such centers will have to operate all year, not just in summer. Another is that hotels providing health facilities should be near a hospital or an airport. The Development Law, which came into force in December 2004, provides attractive incentives, such as subsidies or tax breaks for health tourism center investments. The government is encouraging regional development in areas in northwestern Greece. Doctors and investors from Sweden, Britain and Germany have already shown interest in establishing health tourism centers in Greece, to take advantage of the country’s mild climate, low humidity and year-round sunshine. In addition to hydrotherapy, some centers will deal with illnesses of the psyche — depression, psychological problems and addictions. The serenity of many parts of Greece’s countryside is seen as therapeutic for people from northern countries where cold, dreary climates can lead sufferers to depression and suicide. Spread throughout Greece, many natural mineral springs are owned by the National Tourism Organization of Greece and managed by the Tourism Development Co. The latter is gradually divesting itself of its. large and diverse portfolio through long-term leasing of its holdings, including mineral springs and spas.
