
阅读下面一篇文言文,回答问题 ——为学患无疑,疑则有进 齐







【注】① 故:通“顾”,解释为“难道”。  

   ② 钟离子:人名。下文的“叶阳子”、“北宫”、“婴儿子”、“子仲”       都是人名。


1、下面三个句子中,加点词的词性和意义判断全都正确的一项是( )

①无粮者亦食      ②无衣者亦衣      ③王齐国

A、①食,名词,食物    ②衣,动词,给衣服穿  ③王,名词,君王

B、①食,动词,给食物吃  ②衣,名词,衣服    ③王,名词,君王

C、①食,动词,吃食物   ②衣,动词,穿衣服   ③王,动词,称王

D、①食,动词,给食物吃  ②衣,动词,给衣服穿  ③王,动词,称王

2、对下列句子中加点词的解释,不正确的一项是( )

A、齐王使使者问赵威后,书未发      发:发出

B、岁亦无恙耶              岁:收成

C、民亦无恙耶              恙:小病

D、苟无岁,何以有民           苟:如果

3、“齐有处士曰钟离子,无恙耶?”中的“处士”应该指的是( )





4、下列对原文的叙述与分析,不正确的一项是( )





京 房 与 汉 元 帝 共 论 因 问 帝 幽 厉 之 君 何 以 亡 所 任 何 人 答 曰 其 任 人 不 忠 房 曰 知 不 忠 而 任 之 何 邪 曰 亡 国 之 君 各 贤 其 臣 岂 知 不 忠 而 任 之 房 稽 首 曰 将 恐 今 之 视 古 亦 犹 后 之 视 今 也





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     I was waiting for the bus to take me down from the Janiculum Hill into the city of Roma when I turned

and saw black smoke rising into the sky. It seemed to be coming from my studio, a small, cabin-like study

built up against the ancient Roman wall. I'd arrived there three weeks before with my most important thing:

the first draft (手稿) of my new novel. 

    The smoke? I thought of the electric coil (电热棒) I'd been using to heat water for the endless cups of tea

I need to fuel my writing. What if I had started heating water and forgotten about it? I supposed the coil had

turned over from the cup and started a fire that would not only destroy the studio but also the pages of work

I had spent years on and I could never rewrite. 

    I hurried back, but soon saw that the smoke came from the old leaves and branches in the neighbor's

garden. I felt relieved (轻松的). But since I was now so close, I went into my study to have a look anyway.

    The electric coil was red, and the water I'd meant to use for tea before I left had all boiled out of the cup

that had already turned over and the red-hot coil had toppled (倾斜) onto the desk and was burning the wood.

My pages that might have burnt in a second were only inches away. 

    Drawn by the smoke, I'd come back just in time. "Thank God" I said. Of course, thank my luck.

1. The author was leaving for ______. [ ]

A. the Janiculum Hill

B. his cabin-like study

C. the ancient Roman wall

D. the city of Rome

2. We can infer (推断) from the passage that the author ______. [ ]

A. drank tea to work well

B. stayed there for months

C. often forgot what he had done

D. wrote a number of books

3. In fact, the smoke the author saw was rising from the ______. [ ]

A. author's studio

B. neighbor's garden

C. author's apartment

D. author's kitchen

4. The author was worried about that ______. [ ]

A. the electric coil couldn't work

B. his valuable things would be burnt

C. the fire would burn down the neighbor's house

D. his first draft would be burnt.
