
BUILDING up a close bond (关系) with frien



BUILDING up a close bond (关系) with friends is important in all cultures. But different cultures have different ways of socializing.

The Chinese love going to restaurants. Family, friends and colleagues all go out to eat as a way of relaxing. So Chinese restaurants are much louder and noisier places compared with those in the Western world.

Although British people do socialize by going out for dinner, most people meet in pubs. They go there in the evening and sometimes during the day. Most people order wine or beer.

Going for a drink with colleagues after work is a particularly important British tradition. A recent survey of office workers found three-quarters of people regard the after-work drink as the key to building positive relationships with colleagues.

But for the French, the preferred place to socialize is in cafés. They are a central part of daily life in France and its culture. People will go to cafes at all times during the day.

In the morning, people may go there to buy a newspaper and a cup of coffee. At lunch they may go there for something to eat. Then when it's evening they may return to enjoy a glass of wine.

While the meeting place is different from culture to culture, "Essentially (本质上) they serve the same purpose, which is that humans need a place to come together to meet," said Aidan Saunders, a professor of social history at the University College London. "We are sociable animals."

People from different parts of the world have different values, and sometimes these values are quite against each other. However, if we can understand them better, a multicultural environment will offer a wonderful chance for us to learn from each other.

小题1:What is the passage mainly about?      

A.Different cultures and different people.

B.Different places where different people love to go.

C.Different ways of building up relationships with friends

D.Different relationships in different countries.小题2:Which of the following is true according to the passage?   

A.The Chinese love to dine out.

B.The Chinese always talk loudly in restaurants.

C.Making friends is an important thing in all countries

D.French people spend all their time in cafes.小题3:What does Aidan Saunders mean by "We are sociable animals."?   

A.Human beings need society to survive in.

B.Human beings need to communicate with each other.

C.Human beings are the same as the other animals.

D.Human beings are also animals belonging to the society.小题4: The following are all mentioned as ways of socializing except         .   

A.dining out with friends

B.drinking in pubs with colleagues after work

C.going to the cafes to have a cup of coffee

D.going to the cinema to see a film小题5:Who are the intended readers of the passage ?        

A.People in general.


C.Business people.



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【材料一】 在20世纪二三十年代的上海,有四家由澳大利亚归国华侨兴办的百货公司:先施、永安、新新、大新,它们不仅给当时的上海人带去了最时髦的购物方式,还初步形成了中国最早的百货业。在那个提倡“实业救国”的年代,这四大百货公司成为华人资本的一个典范,孙中山先生就对百货业特别有兴趣,他本人还购买过“先施”公司的股票。而四大百货的成功并不是一夜成就的神话。

【材料二】 (这些百货公司)男职员全部都穿“中山装”,女职员全部都穿蓝色的旗袍,全公司的职员都穿黑袜黑鞋,早上公司没开门,全部职员都进来了,限定一个门进来。所有的职员每个人都有一个胸牌,号码是“1”开头,你就在一层上班,是“2”你就在二层上班,所以那些管理员一进门就看你的号码,就知道你是在哪层上班。

【材料三】 四大公司对中国近代商业的创新还有很多。比如,1917年的上海,女子就业人员非常稀少。但是,先施公司却率先雇佣女店员。永安公司不仅紧随其后,还把出众的女店员,比如把销售康可令金笔的小姐当做明星一样来宣传和炒作。还经常在商场内组织职工进行大型时装表演,并首创企业生活类杂志《永安月刊》来引导消费。另外,发行礼券、代客送货、美容表演、邀请电影明星演唱、赠送奖学金等一系列促销手段,都是这一时期具有永安特色的销售方式,并收到了很好的效果。

【材料四】 顾客至上、职员统一管理、广泛吸纳人才、培养后备力量,这些是现今全世界通行的管理措施,而在半个所世纪前的上海四大百货公司已经广泛实施了,它们就是四大百货公司屹立商场屡试不爽的法宝。


(1)根据材料一并结合所学知识,指出上海四大百货公司在20世纪二三十年代能够成功崛起的主要原因? (8分)


