



被告人范某同某区属厂女工林某乱搞两性关系。后来二人发生矛盾而断绝来往。此后林某又与某厂青年技术员王某多次发生两性关系。范知道后,在4月的一天晚上8时许,强迫林某领其到王家,将王叫出,范即上前,左手抓住王的脖领,右手拿着三棱刮刀对准王的腹部,追问王为何与林乱搞,并指出:"认打认罚如认打,就用刀在脸上划十字;认罚,就把电视机交出来。"王说电视机已卖掉了,范便一手挥舞着三棱刮刀,一边对林某说:"搜搜他家里,看有什么值钱的。"林某看后说没有。范某又对王某说:"先把表留下。"王说:"表是朋友小李的。"范威胁说:"表是要定了,你再说废话,就捅了你。"王被迫交出手表,林某遂将手表戴在自己手上。范又说:"你必须在明晚8时整到某102路电车终点站前面一电线杆处送交2000元。"事后王将上述经过报告公安机关,被告人被抓获。本案中,范某的行为侵害了王某的( )。






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     Two similar-sounding English words caused trouble for a man who wanted to fly from Los Angeles to Oakland. California. His problems began at the airport in Los Angeles. He thought he heard his flight

announced, so he walked to the gate, showed his ticket, and got on the plane. After flying for twenty

minutes, the man began to worry. Oakland was north of Los Angeles, but the plane seemed to be heading west and when he looked out his window all he could see was ocean. "Is this plane going to Oakland?"

he asked the flight attendant (服务员). The flight attendant was shocked. "No," she said. "We're going to Auckland -- Auckland, New Zealand."

     English is not the only language with similar-sounding words. Other languages, too, have words that

can cause mistakes, especially for foreigners.

     Auckland and Oakland. When similar-sounding words cause a mistake, probably the best thing to do

is just laugh and learn from it. Of course, sometimes it's hard to laugh. The man who traveled to Auckland

instead of Oakland didn't feel like laughing. But even that mistake turned out all right in the end. The airline (航空公司) paid for the man's hotel room and meals in New Zealand and for his flight back to California. "Oh well," the man later said, "I always wanted to see New Zealand."

1. The main topic of this passage is ______.

A. mistakes made by people in airports

B. troubles experienced by foreigners in a new country

C. difficulties had by people when taking a plane

D. problems caused by words that sound alike

2. The man realized something was wrong when ______.

A. he landed in Oakland, California  

B. he saw that the flight attendant was shocked

C. he noticed the direction of the plane  

D. he walked up to the gate

3. The sentence " Oh well, I always wanted to see New Zealand." reflects ______.

A. the man's sense of humor      

B. the man's frustration

C. the man's disappointment          

D. the man's despair

4. According to the passage one proper way to deal with a mistake caused by similar-sounding words

is ______

A. to have a sharp ear              

B. to learn a good pronunciation

C. to speak clearly and slowly      

D. to laugh and learn from it
