
根据中文提示完成句子。 1. 你最好带上雨伞,外面正下着大雨。 _______




1. 你最好带上雨伞,外面正下着大雨。

    ____________________________ an umbrella with you. It's raining hard outside.

2. 看!同学们正忙着为运动会做准备呢。

    Look! The students are busy ____________________________ the sports meeting.

3. 请你递给我那本字典好吗?我想查几个生词。

    ____________________________ pass me that dictionary? I'd like to look up some new words in it.

4. 等风停了,再开窗户。

    Don't open the windows ______________________________________________________.

5. 那道数字题真难,我用了两个小时才做出来。

    That maths problem was _____________________________________________________.


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解;(1)过氧化氢在二氧化锰的催化作用下生成水和氧气,反应的化学方程式为:2H2O2 MnO2 . 2H2O+O2↑;该反应符合“一变多”的特征,属于分解反应.(2)二氧化碳与水反应生成碳酸,反应的化学方程式为:CO2+H2O...



     Did you have a favorite plastic toy when you were a child? Did it break? Did your parents throw it away?

Well, I know where it is. It's floating (漂浮) in the Pacific Ocean. Well, let me explain how it 1______ (get)


     Many countries put their garbage in the Pacific. Most of the garbage sinks. But plastic floats and 2______

(move). The North Pacific Gyre (环流) pulls things towards the middle. So, all the plastic ends up in the same

place. One scientist says the area looks just like "plastic soup".

     This "plastic soup" 3______ (discover) about ten years ago. Since that time the amount of plastic in his are

a 4______ (increase) a lot. And this plastic will not just go away, it takes 400 years for plastic to degrade (分

解). And, even worse, fish and sea birds are eating the plastic. They think it looks like food. The plastic doesn't

kill them directly, but the fish (who are not smart!) think they are full. So, they stop 5______ (eat) and die of

hunger. Dolphins and whales will also eat plastic and die.

     Governments are starting to work together to clean up this area, but it will take many years. That's why we

should always try 6______ (recycle) plastic... even our old toys.

1. _______ 2. _______ 3. _______ 4. _______ 5. _______ 6. _______
