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参考答案:A, B, D解析:《期货交易所管理办法》第17条规定,期货交易所因下列情形之一解散:(1)章程规定的营业期限届满;(2)会员大会或者股东大会决定解散;(3)中国证监会决定关闭。期货交易所因前款第1项、第...

      Have you ever heard of a girl of 15, who sets up a company of her own? Wendy Wong is the girl.
She started the business two years ago. She has already   1    several successful computer games.  They
are so    2   that over half a million games are sold every year .Now all of her family work in her business,
and she is   3   at school.
      She gets up early in the morning ,and then talks with her family about the   4   over breakfast. Every
day during weekdays ,she goes to school in her own car with a   5   ,for she is not old enough.
      She enjoys her school ,but some of the work is too easy for her to feel   6   .She usually gets "A"
grades in all her    7   ,so the other students often ask her for   8  .
       She finishes her homework in half an hour after her driver takes her home .After dinner,she goes
to her office and   9   working on her computer ,writing games until 2 a. m. She does not usually need
so much    10     as other children.
( )1. A. bought    
( )2. A. popular  
( )3. A. often    
( )4. A. business  
( )5. A. teacher  
( )6. A. interested
( )7. A. business  
( )8. A. grades    
( )9. A. finds    
( )10. A. food      
B. written    
B. afraid      
B. hardly      
B. exams      
B. visitor    
B. uninterested
B. friends    
B. results    
B. stops      
B. sleep      
C. played    
C. expensive  
C. sometimes  
C. friends    
C. driver    
C. interesting
C. subjects  
C. help      
C. hurries    
C. fruit      
D. worked      
D. surprised    
D. still        
D. lessons                          
D. doctor      
D. uninteresting
D. games        
D. money        
D. starts      
D. pleasure    